

No. I am not sorry for yelling.

But yes, it is, in fact, my birthday. I am Libra, hear me roar!

Or whatever.


I just want to go and, like, start a little publishing company. And we'd eventually expand to include a little film company and a fashion/makeup/perfume brand. And then I'd get to live in my fictional worlds and not have to worry about things like birthdays or any facet of real life aside from death and taxes.

Maybe it's like a birthday wish or something?

I don't know.


These headphones are a little tinny but at least I can hear out of both sides. So, you know, yay.

I get pizza for dinner, too. And a cake.

Also, I have pumpkins:

The bandages are so I don't tear up my hands crocheting. The yarn dragging across my hand gives me like this rug burn kind of thing.

But yeah, I made pumpkins.

Here they are again:

Okay? Okay.

And then I started wondering about hair products. Like, why are we spending money on things to make our hair softer when a vinegar rinse does the same thing? I mean, you can't use it all the time, but still.

Besides a lot of shampoo and conditioner... I don't know, I almost feel like it dries my hair out... Although, there's a brand called 'Yes to Carrots' that might not do that since it's natural. Anyway. Random thought.

I've been looking into random things like that. Just 'cause I can.

Also, wikispaces. Basically it's like Wikipedia but anyone can get on there and do their own thing. I'm thinking it could be a really good way to give out a lot of background information on characters and things like that. People love digging into the gears and guts of stories they love.


Screw it. I'm doing this artist thing. I'm sick of just talking about an idea I think is viable so FILDI.

(If you're not sure what that means, it stands for 'Fuck it; Let's do it.' I find it's a very useful acronym. Adopt yours today!)

This actually works out perfectly since I'll have time to do things and get things set up before the move so I'm not trying to scramble around school and maybe an outside, part-time job when we get settled. If nothing else I'll at least be a little clear on what exactly I'll have to do.

I'd just love it if my ideas had a home somewhere and, for personal reasons, I don't want an agent so my own company would be a pretty awesome step. (Note: I have researched this before; it's really not that hard to do anymore.) I could do a lot with an imprint. Maybe I can get other things out there too, not just writing. I mean I have a lot of crafty, artsy stuff too. Who knows?

I don't know, I'm just feeling all optimistic and wanting to work on things and crap such as that.

I might not be as loud about this later but I do still want to do something with it. I just need to get things started. Once things are started, I can usually keep them going, it's just that initial shove that... sometimes doesn't work so well.

But yeah. That was my 'I'm gonna do something awesome' moment for the day. Hopefully it sticks around for a while and things don't end up like this:



Because that has been known to happen. Quite a bit.

I'm actually a little more like this right now:

I'm not entirely sure what today is going to consist of but I can be reasonably sure that it will be some degree of awesome.

Bye for now, guys. Have an amazing day ^^ and this 20-year-old (holy mother of NO) will see you all later.