
Thirteen: Physiological Find-A-Word

They say the first three words you find describe you.

Is it bad, then, that the first three words I found were 'whore', 'broken' and 'pretty'. (Admittedly that tends to describe a few of my characters but still... 0.o) At least I'm pretty.

Although not for long if I keep eating like this! When I'm bored, I eat. When I'm restless, I eat. I just... where did all my willpower go? ;.;

Also, Genets. They are little cat/weasel/mongoose things and they are adorable. See?

Tell me that's not cute.

Tell me the cute doesn't make you want to just rip our face off. (Well, maybe not that far but it's cute, still.)

They're licensed as exotic pets.

And I think if I ever did do the whole 'fursona' thing, it would be this thing. I would have to be this thing. Yeah.


I am bursting with ideas but my stomach is cramping and I really don't want to do anything. So. Have you guys ever noticed how most of the blogger themes out there are... really boring? I hate to say it but I was looking around to see I could find something that might fit me better than this theme but I'm starting to think this is the best choice out of what's out there (for me, at least).

Not that I could do any better myself, if just seems like I'm seeing the same theme over and over and over again with a few colour variations.

But that's probably just me.

I went driving today. For some reason I'm a lot less nervous about driving out here. I guess it's the wide roads and lack of traffic out where we live but it just feels a little easier. I went by to check on the house mum was renting out (the people are having a moving sale to try to get rid of their stuff so they can move out because they were totally not supposed to be there - Mum had rented the place to another guy, who had bailed and never told her and then let those people move in. They thought he owned the house. So yeah, that's been fun.) Then I went way down the street and to Family Dollar for a hat. Because it was a cute hat. And then, because mum likes to periodically throw me to the wolves, I came back up the main drag (which is 68) at a speed limit of 55 and then 65.

That was an experience.


Aside from sometimes taking turns a little too fast, creeping up a little too far if I'm trying to see and sometimes forgetting that just because the car is pointing straight doesn't mean that the wheel is straight, there isn't much I apparently need to work on. And that's pretty awesome for someone with about ten hours behind the wheel.

I feel pretty good about it, anyway.

Wow. Ow. *headdesk* I hate cramps.

I have, like 80 followers on Twitter now and I'm like 'What? Thank you all but what?'

I should probably get back to work. I took the day off the other day and so, while I'm feeling better, nothing has gotten done.

I think I'll calm down and stop trying to get things out there. You know, just post and talk, like I used to. That was way more fun.

Bye for now, guys. I'm either going to go work or go and think of more ways to clutter up that sidebar XD
