
Eleven: What do you want to do?


I've been thinking about this question a lot lately.

For me, the answer is just 'Be happy'. Ultimately, that's all I really want.

And it's raining here and that's helping, even though I have to work.

So, I gave you all a partial list of the things I'd like to do (and was not doing) in the last post. That list, however, did not include getting into the funeral service. And that's a big one.

The big steps (in reverse order)

- Find a job/volunteer with a funeral home
- Get college set up
- Lose weight
- Study math
- Get at least one of your own books done
- Get 50 pages on at least one book done
- Get the nonfiction books done and sent
- Get the blog post for today done

Obviously there are a lot of little steps in between those but those are the main milestones.

And I've noticed something: I'm way happier when I have a lot to do. For a while I was fine having nothing to do but now I get bored easily. Like, all I want to do is get things done because I feel better once I've gotten something done.

I've also figured out that I could make a workable prototype of an idea of mine with an old pair of high heels and digitegrade stilts. It's not for an animal costume - it's actually a core design for cyberaugs. So. I'm a geek.

I'm also very tired, hence the rambling and WTH nature of this post.

I don't actually have a lot to say since I've been working the past few days but I didn't want to miss a day. So. Here this is.

I'll be sure to have more of a topic the next time. For now, I think I just really need caffeine.

Bye for now, everyone.