
Sixteen: Rules and a List

- Do not eat when you are angry
- Do not eat then you are sad
- Do not eat then you are bored
- In fact, do not eat unless you are actually hungry
- All work must be completed by the end of the day
- No excuse will be tolerated; reasons will be looked into
- Nail-biting is not permitted
- Showers are to be taken at least once every two days

And these, my friends, are rules that are probably not going to hold. Oh, well.

Also, Nekomimi (brainwave cat ears) are in the US now. And I am geeking out. They're like 108 bucks a set though.

It's such cool technology, though, really. The ears move according to your brainwaves. If you're relaxed, the ears fold down - if you're interested, they pick up and if you're super-focused, they perk up and wiggle.

Now, someone like me would probably wear them all the freaking time unless I couldn't for some reason (like, you know, school).

Also, I'm freaking out because today is my last day as a teenager. I now present to you a list of things I care more about than adulthood:

*deep breath*

Twitter, tumblr, rock candy, books, autumn, winter, iced coffee, things with stripes, suits, Tiger and Bunny, fancy clothes, bracelets, manga, anime, conventions, things that jingle, strawberry jam, sunflower seeds, hummus, blacklights, warped floors, cracked tile, mirrors, the number 7, animal prints, Chuck Norris jokes, the Zodiac, horses, genets, dirt bikes, balls of yarn, rabbits, puppies, collars, the Furry fandom, Doctor Who, cat ears, small spaces, irony, sarcasm, buttons, things that don’t make sense, quizzes, gay guys, JTHM, long coats, jeans, sharpies, Superman, Batman, X-Men, human hearts, pyromaniacs, adhesive medical strips, serious injuries, venomous reptiles, parody trailers, AMVs, ATVs, MTV, Kat von D, roses, kittens, shovels, bamboo, the colour orange, the colour red, Dr. Seuss, neon colors, ninjas, Invader Zim, chinchillas, perfume, cologne, nail polish, motorcycles, piercings, candles, PC games, console games, Dead Space, ivy, moss, small woodland creatures, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, big cardboard boxes, Snapple caps, the price of eggs in China, trench coats, guys in trench coats, movies, Emma Watson, Johnny Depp, rubber bands, popsicles, lollipops, odd names, loose bits of string, boards with nails in them, winding metal staircases, cluttered desk drawers, knives, onyx, handcuffs, cops, the phrase 'I'm the devil's candy', pointless shows, post-it notes, chain-link fences, sewing machines, typewriters, pole dancing, belly dancing, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, The Simpsons, leather-wrapped steering wheels, cherry red sport cars, candy cigarettes, apples, sugar cubes, girls with tattoos, rain, card games, mythology, mortuary science, polka dots, hoodies, alarm clocks, psychology, villains, bright lights early in the morning, muffin bottoms, walls I walk into, small children, asparagus, falling up the stairs, annoying songs, sunlight, kabbalah and all kabbalah related products, grammatically-nightmarish stories, hybrid cars, Hugh Jackman, Les Miz and all songs from Les Miz, slash parings, karma, Supernatural, perverts of either gender, spiders, all manner of unreasonable things with legs, the Latin Grammys, the regular Grammys, sports stores, spiral notebooks, and the Spanish language. 

Oh. And Alton Brown.

So. Yeah.

That's where my brain is. I'm sorry for the wall of text but actually making this a list would have made this post stupidly long.

Plus, I'm in such a 'DO ALL THE THINGS' mode that I'm having trouble focusing on just one thing, hence the gigantic list.

On top of that my headphones decided to commit ritual suicide so I can only hear out of the right one now. Oh, good. Oh, good!

(Also, I just spent about five minutes giggling because I'm stupid and can't type and misspelled 'wonderful' as 'wonderfuk'. Pretty sure that's not what I was going for.)

Alright, I need to wrap this up. Really, I have nothing else to say. I'm actually pretty freaked out about the whole 'You're 20' thing, but, you know...

I'll probably go back to work now. I know it's stupidly early but I'm just caught up in this glass case of emotion and I just can't seem to feel tired. I still have things to do and my sleep schedule needs to be a little more normal anyway so this might help fix it.

I get to go to Cracker Barrel today, at least.

Bye for now, guys. The next entry is probably going to be fun to read.