
Nineteen: Strange Facts and Useless Information

At one point during the 1970s, musician David Bowie weighed a grand total of 95 pounds, hardly a healthy weight for a man standing 5'11" This would put his BMI at 13.2. The cutoff for underweight is 18.5.

For comparison, I am 5'3". For my BMI to be 13.2, I would have to weigh around 74-75 pounds.

This has been your strange fact for the day. Now, on to the Useless Information section of the post!

A good (free or not) site
A forum for said site
A Wiki for said site

To work on writing for said site
To work on other projects for said site
To work on said site
To work on said Wiki


Anyone know of a good website builder? It needs to support a store and a forum (aim for the stars, right? I'm trying to plan ahead).

Webs.com is looking like the best choice, all in all if I'm going to have the store but I'd value other input.

Plus, I'll probably stick with Weebly for the actual previews and all that.


I want a business license when we get settled. And a solid block of ISBNs. And I mean, like, a block I could kill somebody with. None of that 'What, you call this a block? You call this a block? I wouldn't hit a guy over the head with this block!' kind of crap.


I'm wound up - can ya tell?

No, I just... it's been decided and now I want to, say it with me, DO ALL THE THINGS! (Very good.) But, of course, I'm limited by own work ethic at this point. That and an inability to do things without a business license... and an apparent inability to get past the whole 'what if this fails' thing. What if it does? That's why I'm using only free stuff right now. That way, if it doesn't fail, I'll have the money and the support to pay for my own sites and all that happy crap.

See? It's all fine.

Now, calm down and work, okay?

(Yes, I am talking to myself. What of it?)

Suddenly all I want to do is find people who know FAKE well enough to write with me and do a criminal AU. Yes, I'm weird, but you're gonna hav'ta deal.

I am, apparently, weird enough to have an idea for a cyberpunk opera... when I'm totally not a songwriter.


That's where that's at.

I'm gonna go and try to get chapter one of a thing I've been working on done, since it's kind of a test the waters chapter.

Plus, my sleep schedule seems to not want to be anything but f-ed up and I need to go driving. So that's frustrating. It's just so quiet and calm in here at night. Things get all bunched up energy-wise during the day. If you've ever been in a place where people are very stressed out and you can just feel it in the air, you know what I'm talking about.

Anyway. I will see you all later and I hope you have a very good day.

Bye for now, guys <3