
I want to pick that pigeon up and hug it.

Filed under: Random-ass things I've said to my mother

Also, I think I'm these:

- Ahead-of-Themselves Worriers
- Anachronistic Wrimo
- CareFree Wrimo
- Drama Queens
- Focused Bastard
- Forum Addict
- Fretters
- Fun Seeking Wrimos
- Genre Fretters
- Grim Wrimo
- Hat Constantly Flung Over the Next Fence Nanoer
- High On Wordcount Nanoers
- It's November TWENTIETH Already? Novelist
- Obsessive Researcher Authors
- Overachievers
- People Who Have No Real Life, But Still Are Only A Tiny Bit Ahead
- Pleasantly Surprised Returning Wrimo
- Prolific Wrimo
- Shadow Wrimos
- Slasher
- Social Wrimo
- Successful Procrastinator

Achievement Unlocked!

Or something.

Also, there's a thread about conlangs in the new forum. My inner geek is happy.

I need to get my ideas in order so what I think I'm going to do is this: Title | Genre | Word Count | Novel/Novella/etc. | Idea/First Draft/Outline/etc. | Name on Cover on a spreadsheet.

This is going to take forever but, hey, at least then I'll be more organised.

*about two hours later*

Wow. That took forever. And guess what? 99 ideas. Nine. Nine. Ideas.

What am I doing with my life?

No, seriously,


All right, enough talking with gifs.

Here's hoping that the speadsheet that currently holds all of my ideas will at least slow down its growing speed (It's all alphabetical and I really don't want to screw that up. It took forever to do.)

It was a good night last night, though. I got to talk (and spazz) with a friend, and spend two hours watching a livestream of one of my favourite shows.

So yeah.

Oh, and I managed to get my drivers permit yesterday (It's just a learner's license but still.) Between that and the 78 (Twitter), 42 (main blog), 3 (project blog) and 5 (this blog) strangers that apparently care about the fact that I'm still breathing, it was a pretty good day. (I know there's some overlap in Followers but it's still cool.)

I'll probably spend a little while today coming up with pen names to further confuse the masses. W00t?

I would have posted this earlier but I really needed to sleep. My focus was really going downhill and I can only put that paper off for so long. It's only about 10 pages but still, I have to research.

Bye for now, guys. I'll see you... tomorrow, actually.