
Entry the Sixth: Writer's Survival Kit

'Writer's Survival Kit'

A laptop and charger
Written notes
A dictionary
A thesaurus
An encyclopedia
Medical reference books
An mp3 player
A USB flash drive
A blanket
Books to read
Blank printer paper
Fingerless gloves
A watch
Dark Chocolate
Granola bars

Your survival kit should be enough to sustain you for a month at a time. It will need to be refilled at the end of the month.

Also, when normal people get interested in a show, they usually watch 1 or 2 episodes a day. Me? I tend to watch as many episodes as I can in a day and then wonder why I'm so tired.

As I've said before, I have a real lack of desire to do anything. Maybe cleaning up the room would help?

I probably need to seeing as there was a small spider walking around near the foot of my bed. I wrapped it in blankets and gave it my laptop to play with.


I also wish my brain would stop creating really creepy cyberpunk worlds. Like, this latest one has an age limit of 27. If you're not already dead by then, they kill you. The higher-ups keep the city alive at the expense of its citizens. Nice.

Anyway. What should I bother you guys with tomorrow?

I mean, I could complain about my lack of 'know what I'm doing' but I kind of do that every day already. I could spazz about anime but that kind of narrows (even further) the list of people who will know what the heck I'm talking about.

This might be more difficult than I thought it would be....

And this really wasn't much of an update. My life is... really boring, in that sense. And I'm kind of grateful for it in a way.

Let's see... I'm sitting in Arizona right now. It's still stupidly hot during the day but the weather is starting to break a little now. I'm really glad since it's awful here in the summer... and the spring... and most of the fall.... and... it's the desert.

Heavy Rain is still on chapter eleven. I have no idea where I'm going from here. Emily's been invited to this masquerade/art show thing as Randy's attempt to prove that his is not, in fact, actually depressed. Thing is, I'm not sure if he is or not. I don't think he is but how can he really prove it (with no medical testing)? Emily is very rooted in her beliefs about psychology - she isn't easy to convince.

That's one of those points that I can't really move forward without knowing. But it's after midnight here and I'm actually tired for once. Even if I don't sleep I might lay down and just rest for a while. I still don't think I've recovered from all the stress and... everything... over the past few weeks.

tumblr will be down for maintenance for a while today so that gives me some time to... um... well, I'll probably wind up watching anime, to be perfectly honest but I might also be working. Stranger things have happened.

Bye for now guys. I think I was a little more coherent this time. (I hope.)