
I've got 99 problems and they're all book ideas

Seriously. All of them. Every single one.

Entry the Fourth: WTH Did I Get Myself Into?

tumblr decided it would be a good idea to change where their tracked tags are. You now have to click the search bar to see them. tumblr no. stop wanting to be an ipad.

Also, NaNo swaps. I kind of want to do some of them but of course they'd need my address. It's official though so that makes it a little safer, I guess. Seriously, there's a music swap and a tea swap and one NaNo swap where you basically make a little gift basket (for under $20) and send it to someone.

So that's just cool.

I'll think about it.


I really need to pick this room up but I just care so little right now. The energy in this house is just weird. Like, to put things in perspective, currently I have a floor-ful of crap that needs to be put away and sorted out, a paper that really needs to be written, ideas that at least need to be made into outlines, clothes that need to be made, crochet stuff that needs to be... crocheted... and I don't care. I just... I don't care about any of it.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm depressed but then I realise that, even if I am, I'm still doing pretty well. And that's something to be happy about.

Also Tiger and Bunny is getting an English dub. Now the real question: Can it please be released in time to be my Christmas present? (I'm guessing not but hey, never hurts to ask.) *checks* It's actually scheduled for an 'early 2013 release date'. *flails anyway*

I just thought of something... my phone was the only one working for a little while in Sioux Falls so that's the number my mum gave to people when they needed a phone number. And yet I have the phone. Wouldn't it make more sense for her to keep it since no one ever calls me?

*sigh* I need like, the actual YouTube downloader or something because Minecraft Movies? Hours and hours of Minecraft? Pffftt... forget it. They take forever to load and buffer constantly thanks to YouTube being a biscuit.

These are the problems I currently have. Notice how they are all 'first world'.

Oh... wait...


Congratulations to my 100th idea: The City of Glass and Bones


This was a very important moment. I'm glad you all could be here for it.

Okay. I think this has reached the appropriate level of pointlessness. Bye for now, everyone. Hopefully I can solve my existential crisis (or at least get closer to a solution) and can cheer or complain for most of the next post.

I should really probably stop posting these like, in the morning. Like, maybe I should wait for stuff to happen that day so I... you know... have something to talk about, instead of always being one day behind everything. Maybe.
