
Twenty-Three: Languages, Video games, and Vampires

I think a main character may have some Romanian blood in him. Like, maybe his mother was from there. This will likely have absolutely nothing to do with the story but, hey, it's a fun headcanon.

Romanian is actually a very cool language, I think. It just has an interesting sound to it and it sticks pretty close to Latin in terms of grammar.

So that's on the list of things I'd like to learn (along with German, Russian and Japanese). And a verity of conlangs that I likely never use for anything, ever.

Also, I'm switching games and playing through the Devil May Cry series. Mainly because I'm too frustrated with my lack of skills to continue with Dead Space 2 right now. (I love Dead Space 2 - I'm just stuck at a really stupid part and that's really bad for my self-esteem. So.)

I've been all over with Dante before so hopefully I won't want to kill my controller (as quickly).

And vampires. I'm on kind of a vampire kick again. Not as bad as the last one but still pretty noticeable.So, you know, you've been warned. Cybernetic vampires. From the future. In Space.

Do you ever have a character that starts out a book way different from how they'll be at the end and you're like:
through the first several chapters? (WTF is with the colours on this one? 0.o)

'Cause I had a moment like that earlier.

It was fun.

Anyway. In really unrelated news, I slept from about 1 or 2 in the morning to about 4 in the afternoon and I don't know why. I'm not even sick - although I did feel pretty terrible for a while. Like, shaky and a little weak and kind of unsettled. I took a shower and that helped but now I'm like:

(I was looking for a good excuse to use that gif XD)

All I want to do is write, which is probably a good thing since I have outlines and things to be doing. Just being here kind of drains me though which is really irritating. I realise that I complain about it a lot but it's just way more noticeable than I thought it would be.

I'm also quietly spazzing over Iron Man. Tony Stark, everybody! *flails*

Wow. This was really just a random collection of sentences, wasn't it? Less of an update, more of a rambling note etched on the walls of my cell...


So, I'm going to go back to writing and then maybe read and hopefully sleep for a more reasonable length of time.

Bye for now, people. I'll try to be more coherent next time XD

(Oh, and I'm planning on kind of liveblogging NaNoWriMo so, be prepared for that next month. Whee! Time to kill my hands again! 8D)