
Entry the Sixth: Anime. And Stuff.

At this point it would be easier to go and buy a whole new wardrobe than go through the stuff piled by the foot of my bed to get to my clothes.

But yeah. I'm watching Ergo Proxy and I actually kind of love the vibe. Well, it's cyberpunk so it sort of stands to reason that I'd love it. I love cyberpunk stuff.

Anyway, I'd only gotten up to about the second episode before but now I wish I'd stuck with it. Vincent is... really interesting, now. And Lil (Re-l? I've seen it both ways.) is just... so cool in a lot of different ways. I wish I had the time and a close enough con that I could cosplay her (such an awesome outfit) and it's such an underrated show, I think, that it'd be interesting to see if anyone recognises her.

All that aside, I have way too much stuff on my lists. Like, my current 'To Watch' list? 22 titles. I don't even want to talk about my current 'To Read' list, either. Then there's all of my titles - 100 even now. And just my general 'Get This Done, Idiot' list.

I have a lot of lists.

I also have a paper I need to be writing because it's due tomorrow and I just... don't...care. I know I should. It's an interesting topic and everything, I'm just like 'Pffftt!' about it.

Also, my scale said 117 yesterday and 113 today. Pretty sure that's not accurate...

I really need to at least start on cleaning this room up. I mean, I can hardly find anything as is. I have to go through my closet first though and that means crochet food. I have to find a place for all the crochet food. And I need to sort out the trunk.

I have this big, sort of red and black trunk that my mum used to keep her toys in when she was little (I know, cool, right?) and it has stuff in it that I don't need out but I don't want to get rid of. Thing is, it could really be packed up better so more could fit in it.

I kind of want to do a room tour but, wouldn't you know it, I can't find my camera. Or my duct tape. I have rolls and rolls of duct tape.

Also, does anyone know if you can take the heel off of a high heeled shoe without damaging the shoe itself, or do you need special tools for that? I have an idea but I want to try it on an older set of heels that isn't really wearable as is anymore. Because I like to recycle things. Plus I'm kind of crafty and this keeps the cost down a little.

Wow. Now I want to do things.

I also need to find my yarn. Actually, no. It's on the table in the dining room. I need to get a place set up for the yarn. And then move the yarn to said place.

Basically do anything except keep typing on a rambling blog post.

*headdesk* *SCREAMS*

Okay. I just have to pick a place and start, right? That's the key to everything, is starting.

I'm also getting ideas again. Just short story ideas, but still. (Why do all my creepy ideas centre around food lately? Food or sleep. I guess it's just because those are two things you can't live without, at least not for long.)

I get way too caught up in researching freeware games...

Anyway. I'm going to attempt to do something useful. I will probably fail but at least I tried.

stop wanting to make games you loser

Bye for now, guys. I just remembered that I have a backpack full of yarn that needs to be shoved in the tray under my desk.