
Twelve: Killer Dinosaurs

Do you see this? This is insane and awesome and a part of me wants to work on movie sets so I can do crap like this and get paid for it. I wish they would have hidden their legs better but a good pair of digitegrade stilts would fix that.

I just love costumes, okay?

(Hi, I'm Jezzy. I like to pretend! Come on!)

I've been thinking a lot. And I need to start working out again. I also want a hat with ears but that's another story.

Also, random, but I'm glad to see that what they call the 'Furry' fandom isn't nearly as weird as the media likes to portray it as. It's just like any other fandom I've seen, really. That's... kind of a relief, really because I guess I'd fit a broad definition of it. I mean, in that anthropomorphic animals (think anything from Balto to Bugs Bunny) have always been kind of cute to me with the really human facial expressions and all and I wouldn't feel weird going out wearing a tail, a collar and ears (although some of that is probably just due to the fact I appear to lack the ability to feel shame).

Anywho.... I just thought that was interesting to note. I'm amazed at how often the media seems to get things wrong on purpose. They do it all the time with pretty much every subculture or fandom they use so it really pays to do your own research (and do it well).

And, overall, it's just another creative outlet - at least for me. Fashion and costumes (though I'm not a fursuiter, for the record. I'd think it'd be like wearing a mascot suit - too hot and claustrophobic.) and eye-catching things along with people who really are just themselves have always made me feel just a touch better about the world.

Anyway. That was just kind of social commentary. That was far and away not the point of this.


Actually, I'm not sure I had a point. I've been so... kinda burned out today that all this was kind of just for the sake of not missing a day.

Also, I kind of want a pet rat once I'm settled in. They're so cute ^^

All in all, I basically feel like this:

and my thoughts are in about a million different places and I'm reading up on random subcultures/fandom for no apparent reason... So... yeah.

I just want to be me and be happy, even if everyone else thinks I'm weird/a freak/a little off/an attention whore/whatever else. I'm sick of it all. I'm sick of basically being told by society: 'Be yourself... just not in public. Or at work. Or online. Or anywhere where anyone might notice that you're different.'

So. For right now, I'm gonna go curl up, watch Monster High (I know, shut up) and maybe get something productive done. Maybe.

I might just go scrounge something to eat. But either way, I'm having kind of FILDI moment with the whole 'being yourself' thing. Not much I can do here right now but when we move and I'm in school, I think I'm just gonna focus on school and on not worrying what other people think of me. I'll probably be a lot happier that way.

This might have sparked it a little. (If you're already in a bad mood or depressed about the world, I wouldn't suggest reading the story. It'll just confirm that society as a whole is pretty awful.)

Bye for now, guys. (I really need to get better at blog posts...)