
Entry the Tenth: There is no room for comfort in high fashion

I see this complaint again and again: 'They're cute but they're really uncomfortable :(' It's fashion - specifically it's high fashion - what do you want?

But there's my two-sentence rant for the day.

Also, I have too many ideas. And I need to learn to work with felt. And paint. And things that aren't duct tape or yarn or words.

Let's break this down:

Things I want to do:
- Lose weight
- Learn to make perfume
- Learn to make nail polish
- Learn to work with felt/paint/other artistic things
- Start dancing
- Start pole dancing
- Get back into martial arts
- Learn another musical instrument
- Finish a book

Things I am doing:
- Blogging
- Being a Simple Bee

So... yeah.

Also, I'm getting fed up with people either being stupid, yelling at strangers on the internet about societal problems that no one will ever care enough about to fix, or being someone who just sucks the fun out of it for everyone else.

One person went on this spiel in the reviews for a software called 'Grammarly' that ''Grammarly' isn't a word.' No, it isn't. They're being cute. Shut up about it.

Wow. People.

Also, ow, my boobs. ('Girl stuff' but it's really annoying this time. They feel bigger. They don't need to feel bigger - they're stupidly big as is!)


I'm tired. I might just finish this thing tomorrow... later today... whatever. If I do I'll let you know with a scene break kind of thing.


See that? ^^^ That's scene break kind of thing.

I went out driving but now I'm in for the day with a metric buttload of work to do. And I'm just full of all this give-a-damn.

Like, books and things. And blogs and projects and artistic things.

So yeah. I just have a lot of feelings. And it's getting dark outside and a storm is coming and I'm really happy about that because it's so desert out here. Really, my skin is dry and I'm breaking out again and I'm stupidly thirsty and just... ick.

So. I'm going to go back to work. And I hope you all have a wonderful day. I'm thinking of changing my NaNo Project Blog over to just a Project Blog. Like I can have a tags page on tumblr that lets people narrow the posts down to just one project and it would also let me filter inspiration and keep track of more than one project on a single blog. So, you know, I don't have to make a new blog for each new project I have. Yay.

Okay, I'm going back to work since I actually have things on my desktop calendar now and I shoudl probably get them done.

Bye for now guys. I'll try to have something more interesting to talk about tomorrow.

*rolls away*