
Fifteen: We now have a Treadmill.

I don't particularly like treadmills for the simple reason that they are so freaking loud. (Although this one isn't bad at all about the noise. I'm impressed.)

And, of course, moving it was such a hassle. It took all four of us and a cloth to slide it on to do it.

But it's done now.

Our one cat is very puffy. We think she has fluid in her chest cavity but she doesn't seem sick at all, aside from being a little loopy and she was almost always like that. We thought about taking her to the vet (and I still kind of think we should but she isn't my cat) but they don't want to put her through that if she's not suffering.

But she keeps getting underfoot when Grandma is in the kitchen so last night Grandpa walked out there, put the cat up on the kitchen island to get her out of the way and then had to stand there petting her and keeping her up there by sliding her when she started to walk toward the edge to jump down.

Grandpa : *grab* *slide* *pet pet pet*
Cat : *walk walk walk walk*
Grandpa : *grab* *slide* *pet pet pet*

Then, of course, the meatloaf was bad. When Grandma was mixing it, it smelled fine (I'm a vegetarian so I wouldn't know for taste but it smelled like it always did) but once it was actually done, she said it didn't smell right. She even took a little bite and spat it back out.

I'm not sure what happened. She made it like she always did so the only thing I can think is that the sausage she used was bad.


Also, I got a compliment on that poem thing from the last entry (Yes, that was mine.) so now I'm feeling pretty good.

Even though I have to write another paper by this time next week... and finish reading a book, start studying math and write 50 pages of at least one book by the end of the month. (About 3 pages a day, I think?) So.


- Finish a wilderness survival paper
- Finish the Heavy Rain outline for NaNoWriMo
- Finish a Feng Shui paper
- Finish reading 'The Sociopath Next Door'
- Finish at least 50 pages on a book

Before the end of the month.

I realise that to people with truly hectic schedules, this is nothing but still...

I still have to finish that pilot script. And I'd like to learn Esperanto.


Do you ever have a moment where you know you have to work on something but you can't seem to stop procrastinating? 'Cause I'm having one of those moments.

I also have about 40 bottles of nail polish. I'm thinking of rotating scents and colours like a month at a time, just to try to use things up.


Everything's changing so much. Not just here and with me but everywhere, it seems. Someone I follow on tumblr is taking a break to work with her friends on original stories and things they can publish through, like, their own company, essentially. And that's just really cool; I wish her well.

I also wish I could start a little company for my stuff, but I have so much going on already and will have so much going on for who knows how much longer. My schedule's only going to get worse, I think.

And I'm kind of glad, in a way.

I have way too many ideas going through my head most days so having some forced organisation might be a good thing.

I hope.

Anyway. I only have to write a total of five pages today, so that makes things a little less scary.

Bye for now, guys. I'll be back to complain again very soon ^^