
Thirty-Two Days Before

It's 11:30 in the morning and I'm sitting at the kitchen table between my Mum and my Grandma. Grandpa's in the living room eating soup off of a plate because he's too stubborn to get a bowl.

And it's cozy.

I'm not sure why but it's cozy.

So... I'm sitting around thinking up creative ways to kill people and wondering if you just have to go through the muscle wall to get to the intestines and also how tightly wound they are inside. It's for a book, I swear. I need to be working but it's just not there right now, you know?

I'm hoping I can get around two outlines at least most of the way done before the month is out. They'll probably be crap but at least I'll have something to work with.

In other news, I'm kicking around the idea of websites. Not sure exactly what I'm doing yet but the idea is there and that's something. (I'm thinking about putting chapters/snippets up with a link to where you can buy it at the end of the preview. Of course, this assumes that I have something to sell, which currently I don't. That's in the process of getting fixed, though.)

I'm starting to wonder about this being the month for me to step out of  my writing comfort zone. I liked my comfort zone. It was... not so bloody. But it's one of those 'growing as a writer' things. No matter what I wind up doing for a living, I think I'd rather it be around books.

I'm going to go back to writing... hopefully on something productive and I will see you guys later.

(Post Scriptum - Is the countdown in the post titles making anyone nervous yet?)