
Thirty-Five Days Before

Killing time watching people be scared on YouTube. Very fun but not exactly productive.

To make myself feel better I've been working on fan-stories again. It's actually really freeing for some reason. I also like screwing around with free websites and stuff like that. Not sure why, just fun I guess.

I'm thinking of taking March and outlining the books I really want to get done. I hate outlining but I'm thinking it will probably help if I can do it right.

Of course this all assumes that I'll be able to focus long enough to get anything at all done.

I also noticed something: In fan stories, I actually tended to ramble less. Things seemed to move along better, from one small conflict to the next. Weird, right? But that's something I need to pay attention to. If I can get back into that non-rambling nature of my fan-stories, maybe I can carry it over into my original fiction. Hopefully.

Kind of an epiphany and kind of just using the entries to keep track of the days. OMG 0.o