
Twenty-Six Days Before

The days have been going by much faster than they have any right to. That countdown is actually starting to freak me out a little. I mean I'm excited. It'll be a grand adventure. But that doesn't mean it isn't scary...

That might be part of why I feel so badly. These last few days have just been rough on me even though nothing's really happened. I've just been wanting to curl up and cry lately, so to avoid that I throw myself into 'girly' routines that I've never done before. Course, now that my nail polish lasts for more than a few hours without flaking (Thank you, L.A.Colors, you wonderful company~) and I don't have much makeup that a) I can get to and b) isn't outdated, I'm kind of at a loss. So I wind up watching shows when I should be working and feeling bad about it later.

I have the first chapter of my MarNo project planned out at least, and I'm calling that a win.

Nothing is enough right now, though. No matter what I get done, I feel like that time could have been better spent elsewhere...

I know I'll be fine. In fact I'll probably feel fine tomorrow, but right now it's really irritating.

In other news, I'm likely to go scrounging in the kitchen pretty soon and then, hopefully, I can get something of some value done. I'll try to check in again when I'm a little more cheerful.