
Twenty-Four Days Before

Yesterday was awesome because the anthology I was waiting on came out for pre-order. (I'm thinking the paperback and the perfume from the shop once I get things set up. Once I get moved. Again.)

Today is awesome just because I have internet.

Actually, I'm sponging off of my neighbour's signal (with their permission) because some genius cut our internet line. Though, in their defense, it was across their driveway. So...

Yeah. I'm going to go back to working on my guide thing (which might be up for sale here fairly soon if I can get a handle on my thoughts). This was really kind of just an update because I'm glad to be able to update again.

Course not having the internet did help me get way more done... even if I couldn't reply to people and it took me way too long to go through my tumblr dash. And now I have a clueless nerd asking me questions in my head and holy schizophrenia, Batman I am glad I can use 'I'm a writer' as an excuse for my weirdness.

*toddles off to work*