
Eighteen Days Before

If you're gonna spail, spail factacularly.

Or something like that.

I need to straighten my schedule back around but that... that's working out about as well as expected. Like, last night I was up till about 5 making a yarn fall ponytail. (Still not quite done but pretty close.) I was listening to 'Machinery Lemmings' by PSY-DOLL at the time, too. Japanese cyberpunk band. Awesome.

Tonight is good. Well, I think so anyway. I have the song playing (again), I'm full of red velvet cake ice cream and I have ideas. Not capital-I Ideas but ideas. I need hair-ties though. Don't know if I have any...

It's frustrating because I know I can be really dangerous with all the creative stuff I can do, I just can't seem to get started. And I know once I do, I'll be kind of unstoppable (well, with the exception of law enforcement and physics).

I think it'll all come together pretty soon though. It just has that feeling.


I should probably be doing something productive, huh? Not a lot I can do right now since the move is coming up. So, I'm probably going to put together yarn combinations and styles in my head while clicking through pictures of clear-winged butterflies (those things look so cool~).

I'm thinking about talking to a potential agent about what I'd have to do in order to be represented. I refuse to sell out but I'm not adverse to the idea of changes as long as I don't hate them. It might be kind of fun to see my work reach a larger audience...

Anyway, that's just me kicking thoughts around. I'm going to go try to figure out my life now. We'll see how far I get.

See ya~