
Three Days Before

My grandmother wandered up to me this morning holding her wrist. I wondered what was wrong but before I could ask she said, "I'm going nuts-o."

Okay... I thought. What now? "What happened?"

"I lost my watch." She pulled back the sleeve of her pink sweater to show me her wrist. "I can't find it."

Indeed, the watch, the little silver one she always had, was missing. We searched everywhere - the computer room, the fridge, the freezer, the big freezer in the utility room, the pantry, her purse, the couch, her bedroom and closet - and found nothing. Apparently, she had just noticed the watch was gone and we have no way of knowing when she lost it or where.

(EDIT: Though apparently it wasn't too long ago, seeing as she just found it under the nightstand. W00T~)

So that was this morning's installment of weirdness.

Also, a note to self for future reference: Don't randomly decide to do Script Frenzy when you're moving in, like, three days! Idiot! *sigh* Well, at least it'll force you to get something done... And it is a cool story...

Anywho, I can't start on that until midnight (by which time I will likely be asleep) so that's gonna be kicking around in my brain for a few hours. That's probably not a good thing considering I would like to sleep at some point before the trip.

I'm feeling better and worse at the same time and I'm not sure what to do with that. I guess just be happy about the 46.8% that's better?

Yeah. That's probably for the best.

I think I just need to start on something. I realise I've had this revelation so many times before but here it is again. I was getting so much done when I was paying attention to the months and I had a goal. Doing that for even (not quite) a year made me better. So maybe, and stay with me on this, I just need to keep working so that I feel like working. Huh.

Maybe that's it. I hope so, anyway. I think I might be able to do that.

(The project is a horror film script for a project called Obscura. Because images. In my head. And the fact that I have three (technically four) days until 'moving day' and OMGWTFBBQ! That's basically how I'm feeling right now. I wonder if last-minute panic is actually a good thing for me? I mean I have a title, basic plot and a rough idea of the opening scene all in the space of... an hour? That usually doesn't happen. But anyway. I'm going to go eat and then maybe plan. Or pack. Packing things might be a good idea. Eep.)

See ya~