
Twenty-Nine Days Before

(First off, thank you, Nicole~ Even that information helped quite a bit ^^ Medical stuff is fascinating~! I knew there was like a muscle wall to get through but after that I was a little lost. We're just all wound up in there, aren't we? (But what if it was a knife wound - more of a deep cut (about three fingers wide) and not a straight stab wound, leaving the intestines intact? Would pressing at the intestines, like with your fingers cause enough pain to make you black out or would it just be similar to someone having a bruising hold on your skin? And I'm sorry for the creepy questions; I swear it's just for a story ;_;)

Now on to the actual post...

Twenty-Nine days left. My chest is tight and things hurt and I'm insanely excited. I also can't stop playing What You Are by Son of Rust.

There was a post on tumblr, a video, of a deaf woman hearing for the first time. Just... makes you realise how blessed you are sometimes, you know? She was so happy, too ^^ I'm not sure how the device worked but she had a part of it to her ear, which the tech adjusted and then said 'So, technically, your device is on right now.' and the woman started smiling before clapping a hand over her mouth to laugh. The tech took whatever she was holding to her ear away and asked if she could hear her (the tech) and herself (the deaf woman's own voice). By then she's crying and laughing and nodding until she calms down again. She mentioned that her voice doesn't sound too loud to her but when she laughs, it sounds loud. The tech mentions that she'll get used to the sounds and asks if she wants to hear her husband say something.

It ends there and I was almost crying so I thought I'd share a little.

I'm also wondering something: I'm wondering if using neural impulses fed through an external spine sensitive enough to the brain's electrical impulses to pick up the signals correctly could give a patient control of mechanical/prosthetic limbs similar to the control they have over their natural ones. The external spine would simply function as an amplifier, picking up on movement signals from the brain and transmitting them instead along a non-damaged pathway (the exo-spine) and feeding into the new limbs. It's a neuro-wear program, largely external for ease of repair but close-fitting to avoid snagging and things getting in the way.

I'm either a genius or insane. Maybe both.

Something has been worked out in my life. Sort of. I realised that I would much rather write what I want to and try to sell it than write what people tell me to for money. Stupid? Maybe. But that's how my mind is and I just have to deal with it.

This means that I need outlines. And Jelly beans. But mostly outlines. In fact, one outline in particular. But now the problem is two-fold. 1) I don't have a story and 2) if I did, I have no idea how long it would wind up being. I love the story, though. Especially the main character. It's all like cyberpunk-supernatural horror.

But it's slowly starting to gel in my little brain so that's helping.

I'm actually going to try to figure out what's going on in this weird little section of writerland I've stumbled into and I will be back later on~

See ya~!