
Thirteen Days Before

I found a recipe for Red Velvet Cheesecake Bars. I just... I can't even... I need to learn to bake.

I also have a headache because I jabbed myself in the nose with my nail and I bled a little. And I just ate a small travel-sized container of peanut butter. So there's that.

I spent a little while trying to figure out Carmen's vocal range... Great, except for the fact that he's not a singer. (Well, he sort of is in that he was classically trained from a fairly young age, has a very good range and is in fact quite good in general - his high notes are clear and strong and he doesn't have to strain for most soprano notes, partially thanks to his experience modulating his voice to pass as female - it's just not a main element of the story.) This is the kind of background I give my characters... not sure if that's good or bad. >.> And I still kind of want to learn French and Russian because of him.

I'm a mess of fictional characters and tangled plots and I'm pretty sure I'm hemorrhaging motivation is what I'm trying to say.

I had a weird idea for this online role-play/ARG thing that was basically participant-run aside from the basic rules and laws of the world. I'm kind of hoping I can find a use for it because it's a cool idea.

I finally thought to pull up my calculator and run the numbers on some of my potential stories. Even at 2,000 words a chapter (and I can say a fair bit in 2,000 words), they come in under the 60,000 word cut off. (Well, the ones I checked already.) The closest one of the two was under the cut by 4,000. The one farthest from the cut was only 44,000. I realise that's just an approximation but it means I might just be able to keep some things to put on that site. And I'm kind of happy about that. One of them, though, came up at 74,000 with just 2k per chapter... it's gonna be a long story, apparently. 0.o

Also spazzing a little over Kalafina. Just a cool band all around ^^

Tired right now. And cold. But I really should stay awake. It'll go a long way toward flipping my schedule back around.

This is becoming kind of stream-of-consciousness...


Yeah, I fell asleep. But I woke up with new ideas so that's always fun ^^

*sigh* I just need to get off my fuzzy cotton tail, stop project jumping like a little bunny and actually get something done. Unfortunately that's way easier said than done... like so many things in my life.

Also, dwarf hotots. They're white rabbits that look like they have black eyeliner on. They are adorable.

And on that cute mental image, I'm going to go away and maybe, hopefully at least figure out if I'm holding the map correctly since I can't seem to figure out where to start.

See ya~!