
Seventeen Days Before

And 100th post.

Wow. Time goes fast 0.o

You know what I want once I get settled? I mean, in terms of food? Salad, fresh fruit, good cheese, nuts, tea, German chocolate and basically anything along those lines. Health food cravings, I has them.

And I have a sudden urge to make hair things. Like yarn falls but more than that too. Like, use the yarn but layer different colours or braid it in layers and interesting things like that. And cyberlox. And maybe even working with false hair. I think that just feeds into every other creative impulse I have but still...

I blog a lot. I'm like just now realising this. As of this post, I have 100 entries on here. Wow. Just... wow.

I think I'm going to spend a little while watching sewing things now... I have so many clothing ideas ;_; (Maybe if I get good enough I can jump in with that little writer/artist circle that produced the anthology as like, their costume designer or official cosplay designer or something. I mean, they already have perfume and tea for their projects. That would be so fun ;A; )

Guess that should be enough of a kick in the tail, huh? Once we're some degree of settled, I do want to do a little more of that. Or any at all. Any would be a good start - WHY AM I SO LAZY!? *headdesk*

It's okay... things are slowly coming together and that's a good thing. I don't think it's so much 'I don't wanna do this' stress as 'I wanna get going' stress. I think that's more like what I'm feeling now.

Why is it that sometimes the scariest things in life wind up being the most fun?