
Twenty-One Days Before

Point 1 - My roommate has brought it to my attention that I am an idiot and all of my makeup is, in fact, well within my reach. Derp.

Point 2 - When talking about sex makes you think about the structural integrity of the human body you're probably a geek. Just thought you should know.

Point 3 - I'm just really glad to have the internet back.

It's finally fixed. And I can finally stop wanting to complain to people about not being able to complain to them. I mean, what? Aside from that, I hate headaches. Like, loathe them with a burning passion.

There's so much stuff I want to do but here just doesn't seem like the place to do them. Where I'm at right now isn't exactly the fashion/makeup/art capital of... anywhere, really.

In not-my news, the site for the anthology and related material went live today and it looks awesome. I hope there isn't a time limit on the paperback version, because then I'd have to work some kind of payment method out. (To be fair, I still kind of want the hardcover book, I'm just trying to be responsible. Better to learn when you're young though, right?) They're basically doing what I'd like to do, I think is a large part of it.

In fact, you know what I want? I want a group of close real friends - artists, animators, musicians, crafty individuals of all types - who would be willing to help me with my vision (and I would help them with theirs, as much as I could) for a percentage. That just... sounds like something I would do. Be the leader of a close knit band of artists living in an apartment in a city somewhere, producing quality work, direct to the public. No corporate filters, no censorship - just honest, quality, affordable art.

I would love that kind of life.

And I know I could do it. It's just a matter of chipping away at it, finding the right people not just some people, making things the best they can be. And that's going to be an ordeal - I know it is.

But it would be a grand adventure.

That's a fair way off though. I think school and general life would help me get things squared away. In the meantime, enjoy this random pretty thing:

Later, Lovelies~!