

I think it should be a legitimate thing. Like a joint disorder.

I'm sorry - I'm sitting here in a room that looks like a tornado hit it, with my computer, listening to Frank Sinatra singing 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas'. I have 41 followers on tumblr and I'm in a surprisingly good mood.

As such, this will be an exceedingly long post. See, NaNoWriMo tends to make me want to do other challenges. So.

1) On Conlangs and Getting Ahead of Yourself

Do you see this?

I don't remember where this image was originally from and for that I do apologise however that is not my purpose for showing you guys this.

The point is that I have made a cover for a translated version of a novel which isn't even fully outlined yet. Also, can you guess what language it is? You shouldn't be able to because it's a conlang which is barely past the 'sound set' stage!


I guess I'm just a creative person and that's why I do things like this. I mean, I already know what pronouns my main characters use (and there are several ways to say 'I' in this language, all meaning something slightly different about the speaker. So yeah).

The original title is 'Heavy Rain' but that got to changed to 'In Heavy Rain' when it was translated. It still works. And even my name got translated.



2) NaBloPoMo

Sounds like something awful (and/or an alien word meaning something awful - "'NABLOPOMO! NABLOPOMO!' it warbled, flailing its tentacles.") but it actually stands for 'NAtional BLOg POsting MOnth'. I realise I post way too much as is but hey, why shouldn't I annoy you all more?

The theme for October is 'Mask'. I'm not sure how closely, if at all, I'll stick to that theme but it's there if I need something to ramble about.

Here's the badge:

3) Script Race

Finally an excuse to write like a madman again!

Really, I have too many scripts in my head. Like, I have about two seasons of a show planned in my head. It's insane. Of course, I don't feel like doing things officially so I'll let you all know when this starts for me. So you can laugh.

4) Thing a Day

Not officially, mind, but I'd like to do something similar. It just looks like a good way to get into all kinds of things - stories, poems, crochet, art, fashion, jewelry, and just general whatsits.

5) NaPoWriMo

National Poetry Writing Month.

I do like poems. I even like poems that don't rhyme. And I'd enjoy the chance to spew them out onto digital paper like the Goth Industrial artist that so many of my characters are at heart.

6) Story A Day

Another thing I need to learn to do is short stories (i.e. things I could complete in a day). I think this could be fun.

7) NO&BE

Otherwise known as 'Noveldom and Beyond'. Basically, you read 10,000 pages in 93 days (officially). I really need to be reading more than I am so this might be a good one to throw myself into.

8) Solo Photo Book Month

To be done in a 'fuzzy month'. Take 35 pictures and create a photobook.

This is one of those things I'd like to do just because I think it would be cool.

9) LoCoWriMo

Local Conlang Writing Month.

(Oh, me! I'm a little suicidal!) No, but really I'm amazed that I even half-way think I could do this. I mean, any conlang I've done has been scrapped for a while now and this one... I have no idea if this one's going to work. Well... I could always write in Arka.

and 10) International Story A Day Group

Basically the same as 'Story A Day'.

Yes, this is a long list. Yes, there are more I'd like to do and yes, I will be talking about these things as blog fodder for October. But. I will at least attempt to provide you with some entertainment and maybe a little knowledge along the way.


This was a very long post. I am sorry. But it had to be said. I guess.

It's been a long few days.

Bye for now, everyone. I will try not to overdo the posting too much but, you (kind of) know me.

I hope you all have a wonderful day/week/month... heck, just have an awesome life, 'kay?



Like someone liquified a cucumber

Nonsensical blog post title will make sense soon. Promise.

First off, I love my family. Like, I always do but it's just going to be extra-obvious right now. You have been warned.

I have, currently: Assassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Dead Space, Dead Space 2, Devil May Cry 1-3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Heavy Rain. I started with Dead Space 2 since I didn't have Dead Space until today. (I'm up to where you actually get your first suit and don't have to run around in a straightjacket anymore.)

Here are some of them:

(I'm kind of proud of that Devil May Cry find.)

I also have Fallout: New Vegas on order. It's the Ultimate Edition. So yeah. *SQUEE*

Second, NaNoWriMo. I have such an idea. Seriously. Project blog is here. I really love where this is heading but we'll see how I feel once things get started. It's basically a pseudo-love story (in a psychological way. Like, learn to love yourself, I guess would be the main... the main bullet point of what I'd be trying to get across.) I have a scrapped meeting scene that I might throw up there. Emily was a little too quick to snap at him but Randy was fairly accurate, I think.

Thirdly, website. I think I figured out why it looked so cluttered and how to get around it. Two words: Library Page. It just condenses things and makes it so much easier for me to organise. For some reason all I want to do is get off my tail and actually jump in with the art thing. I guess, now that I have something I'd like to do for a money-making career (as much as I hate that word) I feel like I can be an artist without stressing so much over 'what if this doesn't sell?' because so what? At least I had fun, right?

Fourth, I want to be a mortician. Is that weird? I don't think it's weird but my sense of 'weird' is a little off anyway.

Also, I figured out how to make a 'Cucumberry' drink. If you don't know what that is, don't worry - I just made it up. What it is is this:

Yes, the bottle on the left is this:

And, yes, it does in fact taste like someone liquified a cucumber.

But that's not really the point. The point is that mixing this with a fair bit of the Huckleberry drink results in something that is actually really good. (Mr. Q. Cumber is actually pretty good - it's just really strong.) It winds up tasting like something that should be served in a martini glass with a fresh huckleberry at the bottom.

Also, I found this:

And I thought I'd share because that's really kind of beautiful. It was hanging in my dad's room in Montana when I went to visit.

I like my family. Not a lot of people seem to be able to say that but I really do.

So, bye for now, everyone. I hope you have an awesome day~



Filed in: Things I almost yelled from the rocks at Falls Park.

But now I'm back. And full of food. And calmer and working on a script. So that's something. I guess.

Also, I have rock candy. And games. Like, I have Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Dead Space 2. And I am a happy bunny. Very happy bunny.

Now I just need the game system. I wish they weren't so expensive. But, hey, I'll be 20 this year (*hyperventilates*) so I guess it's okay.

I might go watch Salad Fingers. I'm on like the seventh episode and I just... I - I don't know. The fourth one creeped me out and made me sad and the fifth was just freaky and... wow, really. If I randomly include the phrases 'I like rusty spoons' or 'I don't make mistakes, comrade. This one's textbook.' there is a reason. And that reason is that I am insane.

Also, the second Tiger and Bunny movie (next fall) looks like it might mark the final days of Sternbild City. (This is not okay. I want to live there if I could.)

If I had a site, I think there would be two buttons at the bottom. One would say 'Read in 1337speak' and the other would say 'Read in TXTspeak'. And clicking on them would take you 'translated' entries. Because I am a geek.

Of course, I can barely read 1337speak as it is, so I'd have to brush up on it before I did that.

Anyway. I'm rambling really bad. It's been a long day. Fun but long. (Giggity.) So, um, yeah...

I'm going to go squee over games and maybe write a little. Going to the mall earlier gave me a scene idea.

Bye for now, guys~

*swims away*


*insert title here*

I'm in South Dakota.

I have a cool new hat and a compound bow.

And a stupid, stupid, stupid desire to play Polybius (even though I start coughing whenever I watch someone play it) and watch Salad Fingers. (If you don't know what it is, I'd advise you to forget about it. You'll be a lot better off.)

I want to do like an unconventional materials challenge. Like, make a coat or something out of something that isn't fabric.

Also, last night, I randomly felt like a lizard. Yeah. But I don't anymore. So that's good.

Right now, all I wanna do is outline novels and write scripts and sketch fashion and read obscure manga. That's it. That's all.

Between that, the manga 'A Lollipop or a Bullet', the whole Jupitearth thing (Jupiter/Earth... as anthropomorphic personifications of the planets... as a couple... because Jupiter saved Earth from an asteroid strike. Yeah. That is tumblr. That is part of why I love it. We'll even ship office supplies.) and the Tiger and Bunny movie (ZOMG!) I'm a little off the walls right now. Plus I have Cheez-Its.


I get to get up and go to a corn palace tomorrow. So I'm happy about that. Yes, you read that right.

So, I think I'm going to go to sleep. Maybe. Or at least settle in. Maybe brush up on my leetspeak. Okay? Okay.

Night, everyone. I hope you have an awesome day~



Really wow.

Mum and I just cleared out an entire house and pulled up all roots we had here in the space of two days. We leave in the morning.

And of course, I can't sleep. I mean, it's like, one in the morning. My back aches but I'm still like, "No."

I'm actually planing on getting up and walking around or drinking my other coffee drink if I get tired, not going to sleep. That's not healthy, is it? Is it? I don't know anymore.

But, yeah, not tired and awake working on things. I have music though so it's not so boring.

I just... I don't know what I'm doing is what it all comes down to. I think I'll just have to face the fact that I have some issues, I don't really know who I am and it's just something I'll have to work on. That and not wrecking my body just because I'm stressed. Sleeping and eating are still essential, even if I don't like them.

Seriously, you wanna know what happened today? I didn't have a fork to eat with and so I used a pair of coffee stirrers like chopsticks. Because I am resourceful. It actually worked really well. I was pleasantly surprised.

But that's what the past couple of days have been for me. That and this.

Know what that is? That is a project blog for NaNoWriMo 2012. I'm doing things right this year.


I'm rambling. I'll also be on the road tomorrow. I think we're going to Montana. Somewhere in Montana for a family thing. I'll remember later, I'm sure. It's just all such a blur right now - I'm sorry guys.

I'll check in later. Maybe when we get stopped. Until then, have a good day. I hope you're all doing well.


Let me tell you about my day.

My day (yesterday) began at 11:30. And did not stop until nine.

From about 11:30 on, I'd been packing things up and talking with movers and trying to find a hotel with a room for the night.

We packed up everything that wasn't furniture or appliances and shoved it in the back of a truck. I. I shoved it in the back of a truck. (Really, I must have packed up 2/3 of the truck.) It now has two sewing machines, one in a cabinet, so many books, so many clothes, and so many little household things.

From there, we waited on the movers. Well, not really movers. They took the things we couldn't take with us to auction. They picked up the couch, the loveseat, the tables and some other stuff for the first run, then left to go empty the truck.

During that time, I got very sick. It was short-lived, thankfully, but still.

The second run lasted until about nine at night and then we had to run around and try to find food and a hotel that had a room available. So that was fun.

It's by no means the whole story and leaves out the seven mosquito hawks that decided to meet around the living room light but the internet here is flaky and Blogger is annoying me so that's all you're getting from me right now. I'll try to check in tomorrow but no promises.

Bye guys! I hope your last few days have been easier than mine have.



Okay. So, it's the last night in the house. I'm actually a little sad because I like this house but I can't exactly say that I'm not happy. I am happy. Like, 'I want to hug things' happy. And it's so nice but it's so weird.

I'm also markedly not tired. Ordinarily that would be a problem but not only is this a form of 'method writing' for me but I'm pretty sure tomorrow can keep me awake just fine. Also, music. I have music.

I'm really, really, really loving this Character Writer program. Like, I actually have a plot. I can't even believe - I have a plot and I think I know where I'm going. *rolls around*

I just can't believe we're leaving, you know? I just... *sighs* It's hard to get it through my head. It feel a lot more final this time, somehow. Weird to think I won't be in this house again.

Also, before I forget or get too sappy:

There are a few programs I'd like to shove out there for any writers who might be able to use them.

I recommend getting a good calender. Here's a cool desktop one I like. This one:

Isn't it cool? The picture is my desktop behind it. You can mess with the colours, fonts, and setup, highlight dates, change the text colour - all kinds of stuff!

A thing called Character Writer is insanely valuable to me right now. You can't print or save in the free version, which is a little annoying, I'll admit but the full version is about $70. Here's just the basic information screen:

And the side menu:

Also, I like playlists. It's like having a soundtrack for the movie in your head. A little thing called Songbird is a cool piece of freeware with an easy-to-figure-out setup similar to iTunes.

Don't have enough music? These might be of use to you: Free Music Archive and, for the geeks and broke college students out there, Fanmixes.

So that's about all I've discovered so far.

But guys... I just don't know what to do with myself. I really don't. I can't even ramble about it. I'm just really at a loss for words.

Unrelated but I can't decide who's point of view to take for this story now. They're both interesting but I'm not sure which one would work better. The guy has more emotional trouble going on but I don't know if that would play better as seen from the girl's point of view or jumping back and forth or what.

I'll figure it out. Eventually. Until then, I guess I'll just... do something else.

what am i doing what am i feeling what is this

Bye for now, guys~ I'll check back in later on with more news.

*type type type*


In which I realise that I'm an unorganised MoFo

You know those moments when you're talking with someone and they make a comment and all you want to do is say something snarky or bitchy in return? But you can't because you don't want to fight? Those are weird moments. I had a couple of them earlier.

But, yeah, on to the title. I have very little discipline and no organisation. That, I think, is really at the heart of a lot of the crap I complain about. I have a desktop calendar and if I would even half-ass use it I think it would clear up a lot of this.

Like, look at my list - just the projects I was working on in the space of the last couple of days:

- One pilot script (which needs to be about ninety minutes - around 110 pages, I think)
- One short novel/novella (no idea on length but it involves a lot of emotional pain)
- One outline (slowly coming together)
- One non-fiction paper (lol not even close to the halfway mark)
- Two fashion sketches (in my head >.>)
- The logistics of building a duct tape house (yes, you read that right)
- and one project blog (which may never see the light of day)

And why is none of this done? Because I have no organisation and no discipline.

Now, right now, it's a little hard to get because of the turmoil and the life upheaval and all that fun stuff but once things have settled down, I need to go through my life and my room and get things set up correctly.

Meaning, folders. And binders. And actually paying attention to where I put stuff.

I think I can handle that. I'm starting to think about all the things I can get done and all the new stuff I can do and that's kind of fun. I need to find my fashion croquis again. I have no idea where they are. I should probably just print some out. I mean it'd be a lot easier on me in the long run. Just have several so I can plan an outfit from all angles.

Yeah. Okay. I'm wound up, I'll admit, but my point is still sound.

So. I'm going to go and actually try to get something done before the sun comes up. (I'm starting to feel like a certain character of mine.)

Bye for now guys. This has been a personal pep-talk. Kind of.

*backflips into the cellar*


*backflips into the sun*

I'm torn between that and asdfghjkl; because I manged to outline up to chapter seven without getting stuck. (FMC called her best friend to talk about MMC - I have no idea how/what she's feeling about him and the whole situation so I'm kind of stuck as to what she'd say and what her best friend might tell her. Might need to talk to mum about that, see if I can't figure out just WTH.)

Also thinking about the website and what I might want to do with that. I don't know how much of a story I might want to put up, what the final license should be on it (Honestly, I don't like how restrictive copyright is, but there's a balance in there.), and what I might want to add, lose, shuffle around, do something different with, eat, etc.

Basically, I'm bursting with creative energy and I have no idea what to do. I want to DO ALL THE THINGS! Like, seriously, I wish I had a good pattern and my sewing machine... and a canvas and some paint... and a more solid idea of where I was headed with the story... and someone awake at this hour and willing to cook with me... and a night scene to shoot with my actors.

So... what the heck is wrong with me, exactly?

I guess I'm just feeling good for once.

And my camera does, in fact, record audio meaning I can vlog, film and generally be a problem for the privacy of those around me. Awesome.

Anywho... I'm probably going to wibble around here for a while, maybe retool some of the site until I find something I don't hate. Why are themes I like so limited...?

Night, everyone~!


Let's Go Already!

Really, though, I'm getting all restless about this.

There's so much stuff to do and sort out though. *pulls at her hair* Maybe late next week? I don't know. Moving is always such a hassle.

Also NaNoWriMo. I know it's way early but I've still been planning. I have my two main characters and a ghost of a plot forming. So... you know. Yay. Although now I kind of want to make a book trailer. I know a lot of people think they're pointless but I like them.

This really wasn't much of an update - I just wanted to express my frustration. And I feel I've done that. So... yeah.

Things have just been a ball of stress and stupid lately. Hopefully that clears up pretty soon.

*backflips into the sun*


Okay so...

remember that editing job I spazzed about several posts back? (It was a while ago.)

Well, I contacted the client, whom I had been out of touch with this past month, and inquired about our contract. (Wow, I do not need to write like this - tone it down.) So they said that, since there's been a lot going on in their lives (it's co-authored) and since they're going to back it down to two books a year (so as not to over-saturate their tiny target market), I'd be paid 'significantly more' for my time.

I don't know what 'significantly more' (their words, not mine) means because it didn't feel right to ask but yeah. Feeling pretty good, actually. Kind of like:

but in a good way.

In other news... There is no other news.

Aside from the fact that I found an awesome, way too in-depth post about the history of Steampunk and have been struggling to find what to use as historical markers. (Upside: I'm almost done with the 'history of' section - about a page left to the minimum.)

And, aside from that, my mind is coming up with a soundtrack for the book I'm not writing. Why am I not writing? Because I am lazy and I have no idea where I'm going. Also stress.

So. I'm going to go and maybe work for a little while longer before I crash.

Bye, guys~ *waves*


I feel terrible! :D

Really, I do.

I know it'll pass but right now I kind of want to tear my hair out.

I have a paper due on Tuesday. It's on the history of steampunk. Well, I say paper. It isn't really but that's how I'm thinking of it right now. Thing is, I feel like I'm writing it way too much like a term paper. I mean, I'm doubting the history section now - is the detail enough? Should I be moving things along quicker? Am I talking enough? Am I talking too much?

*pulls at her hair*

I get the feeling this will be a short post. But there it is. There's a snapshot of the moment for you.

I feel like I just need to sleep and then this will be easier to figure out in the morning. I hope so at least. The past several days have been rough.

My driving school is almost over though and you have no idea how glad I am for that. Honestly, I'd be fine just cancelling the other behind-the-wheel lessons. I don't feel like they're really teaching me anything and all they seem to do is stress me out.


Night, everyone. I'll try to update soon with something a little happier.

*curls up*


I now have to re-learn Math.

But I have textbooks to help me with that.

Yes, I am, in fact, geeking out over textbooks. I am a nerd.

Also, I passed the written part of my driving test. The actual drive is scheduled and I'm sure that will be the source of so much stress over the next little while. So.

What else?

Aside from the fact that my hands are killing me and will probably be much worse tomorrow, I don't really have a lot to talk about. I'm reading a book that is interesting in some uncomfortable ways. I mean, it's good, but... wow. (It's called 'The Sociopath Next Door', if you're interested.)

And I made up a sport today. It's called the Wolf Hunt. Basically, picture a stadium - not like the one used for the Superbowl but smaller and about three tiers up, hollow in the center. On the ground floor, starting just inside the ring of seats, is what amounts to a moat. It's deep enough that it provides some cushion from a fall and wide enough to catch someone (fairly) safely. Just inside that is a large pillar of what is basically mountain terrain. It's desert rock and steep drops, forcing the teams to climb their way along the rocks, ever careful of their steps - and the other team. The first team to eliminate all three of the other team's members (either by throwing them into the water or by 'killing' them) is the winner.

Uniforms: Each team has a colour-coded under-suit on top of which is layered their armour and damage sensors. They are equipped with boots which function like and closely resemble a wolf's back legs and paws, useful for gripping the rocks. A (fake) fur 'skirt' belt and tail are worn as a further indicator of the team. (All 'fur' is colour-coordinated, different tones for each team.) Combination wrists guards/gloves are worn which allow only the use of the fingers and hold flexible rubber claws at the front. Later models also include the 'extra' due claw. (Some matches allow 'Ears' - a combination headset/mic mostly contained within a sturdy headband to allow team members to communicate with each other.)

Damage Sensors: The main damage sensor is wrapped around the player's neck. It consists of two lightweight metal bands (one near the jaw, the other nearer to the collarbone) between which are strung three red conductor strips. When one of these strips is broken or removed from at least one side of the metal collar, it registers as a 'kill'. This is usually done with teeth. Damage can be done with claws as well, though it's less common. Damage sensors can be triggered by a solid hit to the legs or chest.

Play: Once a match has started, the only object is to knock all three of the other team's players off of the territory. This can be done by knocking them into the water (although if their damage sensors don't trigger to a certain level, their movement is only restricted - they are not out) or by 'killing' them (causing high enough damage/disconnecting the sensor at the throat).

Currently, 'Fangtastic' is the defending team.

So... once I'm done spazzing and being weird... you wanna, maybe, catch a Wolf Hunt? (See, it works.)

Anyway. That's what my brain's been doing.

And it's almost one in the morning and I'm tired so I think I'll go curl up for a while. Night, everyone~

*buries herself in her covers*


*Internally Screaming*

Let me walk you through: Currently, I'm stupidly happy and trying not to feel guilty about it (That has been largely worked around -  I'm just slow at getting it through my head.) I'm also sitting up listening to Les Miz songs (I found the original French version!) and just catching up on things I used to love and then forgot about. So, yeah, good moment all in all.

A decision has been made. I feel it is an awesome one. However (and there's always a 'however', isn't there?) it requires some working around and creative rule-bending (not really but that just sounds cool).

So that's where I am. I have a bitchy doctor character, a puppy-like doctor character and an unrelated assassin character running about in my funny little brain. The assassin is en femme right now and singing 'Can You Hear The People Sing?' in French. Yay. (Really this is what happens when I'm happy. Weird stuff. And French.)

Also, I really wish I could find the Shigeshōshi/The Embalmer drama series. It was about 12 episodes and it was really good and I can't seem to track it down. Maybe I can find the DVD somewhere? I hope. If nothing else, it was a manga series and that would be nice to have.

I'd also like to get my hands on a French series called 'Engrenages'. It's like a gritty crime drama thing. It looks interesting.

Wow. I really need to sleep. But, as you can probably tell, I'm kind of giddy. Maybe I'll just read for a while and try to calm down? That sounds like something I should do.

Night, all~ I'll try and explain myself a little better once things have been figured out a little more. Long day tomorrow.



How do I Life?


I just... I don't know what to do.

Here's the basic version. To upgrade to the full version, click here. (Link broken.)

I have one college and one plan, Plan A. In Plan A, my geographical location does not change. Instead, for the next two years, my life will be planned and dictated by a college just a few minutes up the road. This college has a beautiful campus, a theatre (basically) and an array of clubs and overseas programs. Now, it is also in an area of the country with a high cost of living and very little variance in the weather.

I have another college and another plan, Plan B. In Plan B, my geographical location changes by a margin of three days. For the next two years, my life will be largely comprised of a smaller college. This college is contained within a single building, with few clubs and no overseas trips. This college is, however, in a much bigger city, near to shops and the theatre and other things that I care about. It has a lower cost of living and severe changes during the seasons.

Of course, this isn't all of the pros or cons but it's the main ones I can think of right now. And basically I just have no idea what to do. So that's where I am. And that's likely where I'll remain for a while, even though I'm running short of time to make a decision.

I'm just going to... go to a corner of the room and think for a while.

*walks off, singing*
Who am I?
Who am I?
I'm Jean Valjean!
And so, Javert, you see it's true
This man bears no more guilt than you
Who am I?




and doctors. Not zombie doctors, mind, just a healthy mix of zombies and doctors. That's what this month is about.

I hope.

Anywho... What can I say really? My driving instructor gives me the vibe of being a condescending, self-aggrandizing prick, I start school this month, I'm slowly becoming obsessed with Les Miz and theatre in general and I really need to start writing again.

Thankfully, I have a fix for the last one: SeptNoWriMo

Yes, SeptNo - the month I almost killed my hands over last year. So, on top of everything else, that should be fun. I think I'll take tomorrow off (as much as I can) and just write. Like, just listen to Les Miz songs and write. I think... after everything that's been going on, I kind of need that.

I know things will even out - they always do. It's just rough right now. In a lot of ways. In stressful school ways and in 'The name's Vincent. Don't forget it, okay?' ways. (Speaking of, I'd love to find a decent suit that wasn't horribly expensive. Or even a few good dress shirts. I'm feeling a little trapped.)

So... this post has taken me forever and I think it's time for me to go to sleep for a while.

Bye for now, guys. I'll check in later and hopefully I'll be feeling better overall.

Writing usually helps.