
*Internally Screaming*

Let me walk you through: Currently, I'm stupidly happy and trying not to feel guilty about it (That has been largely worked around -  I'm just slow at getting it through my head.) I'm also sitting up listening to Les Miz songs (I found the original French version!) and just catching up on things I used to love and then forgot about. So, yeah, good moment all in all.

A decision has been made. I feel it is an awesome one. However (and there's always a 'however', isn't there?) it requires some working around and creative rule-bending (not really but that just sounds cool).

So that's where I am. I have a bitchy doctor character, a puppy-like doctor character and an unrelated assassin character running about in my funny little brain. The assassin is en femme right now and singing 'Can You Hear The People Sing?' in French. Yay. (Really this is what happens when I'm happy. Weird stuff. And French.)

Also, I really wish I could find the Shigeshōshi/The Embalmer drama series. It was about 12 episodes and it was really good and I can't seem to track it down. Maybe I can find the DVD somewhere? I hope. If nothing else, it was a manga series and that would be nice to have.

I'd also like to get my hands on a French series called 'Engrenages'. It's like a gritty crime drama thing. It looks interesting.

Wow. I really need to sleep. But, as you can probably tell, I'm kind of giddy. Maybe I'll just read for a while and try to calm down? That sounds like something I should do.

Night, all~ I'll try and explain myself a little better once things have been figured out a little more. Long day tomorrow.
