

I think it should be a legitimate thing. Like a joint disorder.

I'm sorry - I'm sitting here in a room that looks like a tornado hit it, with my computer, listening to Frank Sinatra singing 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas'. I have 41 followers on tumblr and I'm in a surprisingly good mood.

As such, this will be an exceedingly long post. See, NaNoWriMo tends to make me want to do other challenges. So.

1) On Conlangs and Getting Ahead of Yourself

Do you see this?

I don't remember where this image was originally from and for that I do apologise however that is not my purpose for showing you guys this.

The point is that I have made a cover for a translated version of a novel which isn't even fully outlined yet. Also, can you guess what language it is? You shouldn't be able to because it's a conlang which is barely past the 'sound set' stage!


I guess I'm just a creative person and that's why I do things like this. I mean, I already know what pronouns my main characters use (and there are several ways to say 'I' in this language, all meaning something slightly different about the speaker. So yeah).

The original title is 'Heavy Rain' but that got to changed to 'In Heavy Rain' when it was translated. It still works. And even my name got translated.



2) NaBloPoMo

Sounds like something awful (and/or an alien word meaning something awful - "'NABLOPOMO! NABLOPOMO!' it warbled, flailing its tentacles.") but it actually stands for 'NAtional BLOg POsting MOnth'. I realise I post way too much as is but hey, why shouldn't I annoy you all more?

The theme for October is 'Mask'. I'm not sure how closely, if at all, I'll stick to that theme but it's there if I need something to ramble about.

Here's the badge:

3) Script Race

Finally an excuse to write like a madman again!

Really, I have too many scripts in my head. Like, I have about two seasons of a show planned in my head. It's insane. Of course, I don't feel like doing things officially so I'll let you all know when this starts for me. So you can laugh.

4) Thing a Day

Not officially, mind, but I'd like to do something similar. It just looks like a good way to get into all kinds of things - stories, poems, crochet, art, fashion, jewelry, and just general whatsits.

5) NaPoWriMo

National Poetry Writing Month.

I do like poems. I even like poems that don't rhyme. And I'd enjoy the chance to spew them out onto digital paper like the Goth Industrial artist that so many of my characters are at heart.

6) Story A Day

Another thing I need to learn to do is short stories (i.e. things I could complete in a day). I think this could be fun.

7) NO&BE

Otherwise known as 'Noveldom and Beyond'. Basically, you read 10,000 pages in 93 days (officially). I really need to be reading more than I am so this might be a good one to throw myself into.

8) Solo Photo Book Month

To be done in a 'fuzzy month'. Take 35 pictures and create a photobook.

This is one of those things I'd like to do just because I think it would be cool.

9) LoCoWriMo

Local Conlang Writing Month.

(Oh, me! I'm a little suicidal!) No, but really I'm amazed that I even half-way think I could do this. I mean, any conlang I've done has been scrapped for a while now and this one... I have no idea if this one's going to work. Well... I could always write in Arka.

and 10) International Story A Day Group

Basically the same as 'Story A Day'.

Yes, this is a long list. Yes, there are more I'd like to do and yes, I will be talking about these things as blog fodder for October. But. I will at least attempt to provide you with some entertainment and maybe a little knowledge along the way.


This was a very long post. I am sorry. But it had to be said. I guess.

It's been a long few days.

Bye for now, everyone. I will try not to overdo the posting too much but, you (kind of) know me.

I hope you all have a wonderful day/week/month... heck, just have an awesome life, 'kay?
