
I feel terrible! :D

Really, I do.

I know it'll pass but right now I kind of want to tear my hair out.

I have a paper due on Tuesday. It's on the history of steampunk. Well, I say paper. It isn't really but that's how I'm thinking of it right now. Thing is, I feel like I'm writing it way too much like a term paper. I mean, I'm doubting the history section now - is the detail enough? Should I be moving things along quicker? Am I talking enough? Am I talking too much?

*pulls at her hair*

I get the feeling this will be a short post. But there it is. There's a snapshot of the moment for you.

I feel like I just need to sleep and then this will be easier to figure out in the morning. I hope so at least. The past several days have been rough.

My driving school is almost over though and you have no idea how glad I am for that. Honestly, I'd be fine just cancelling the other behind-the-wheel lessons. I don't feel like they're really teaching me anything and all they seem to do is stress me out.


Night, everyone. I'll try to update soon with something a little happier.

*curls up*