
I now have to re-learn Math.

But I have textbooks to help me with that.

Yes, I am, in fact, geeking out over textbooks. I am a nerd.

Also, I passed the written part of my driving test. The actual drive is scheduled and I'm sure that will be the source of so much stress over the next little while. So.

What else?

Aside from the fact that my hands are killing me and will probably be much worse tomorrow, I don't really have a lot to talk about. I'm reading a book that is interesting in some uncomfortable ways. I mean, it's good, but... wow. (It's called 'The Sociopath Next Door', if you're interested.)

And I made up a sport today. It's called the Wolf Hunt. Basically, picture a stadium - not like the one used for the Superbowl but smaller and about three tiers up, hollow in the center. On the ground floor, starting just inside the ring of seats, is what amounts to a moat. It's deep enough that it provides some cushion from a fall and wide enough to catch someone (fairly) safely. Just inside that is a large pillar of what is basically mountain terrain. It's desert rock and steep drops, forcing the teams to climb their way along the rocks, ever careful of their steps - and the other team. The first team to eliminate all three of the other team's members (either by throwing them into the water or by 'killing' them) is the winner.

Uniforms: Each team has a colour-coded under-suit on top of which is layered their armour and damage sensors. They are equipped with boots which function like and closely resemble a wolf's back legs and paws, useful for gripping the rocks. A (fake) fur 'skirt' belt and tail are worn as a further indicator of the team. (All 'fur' is colour-coordinated, different tones for each team.) Combination wrists guards/gloves are worn which allow only the use of the fingers and hold flexible rubber claws at the front. Later models also include the 'extra' due claw. (Some matches allow 'Ears' - a combination headset/mic mostly contained within a sturdy headband to allow team members to communicate with each other.)

Damage Sensors: The main damage sensor is wrapped around the player's neck. It consists of two lightweight metal bands (one near the jaw, the other nearer to the collarbone) between which are strung three red conductor strips. When one of these strips is broken or removed from at least one side of the metal collar, it registers as a 'kill'. This is usually done with teeth. Damage can be done with claws as well, though it's less common. Damage sensors can be triggered by a solid hit to the legs or chest.

Play: Once a match has started, the only object is to knock all three of the other team's players off of the territory. This can be done by knocking them into the water (although if their damage sensors don't trigger to a certain level, their movement is only restricted - they are not out) or by 'killing' them (causing high enough damage/disconnecting the sensor at the throat).

Currently, 'Fangtastic' is the defending team.

So... once I'm done spazzing and being weird... you wanna, maybe, catch a Wolf Hunt? (See, it works.)

Anyway. That's what my brain's been doing.

And it's almost one in the morning and I'm tired so I think I'll go curl up for a while. Night, everyone~

*buries herself in her covers*