
Like someone liquified a cucumber

Nonsensical blog post title will make sense soon. Promise.

First off, I love my family. Like, I always do but it's just going to be extra-obvious right now. You have been warned.

I have, currently: Assassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Dead Space, Dead Space 2, Devil May Cry 1-3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Heavy Rain. I started with Dead Space 2 since I didn't have Dead Space until today. (I'm up to where you actually get your first suit and don't have to run around in a straightjacket anymore.)

Here are some of them:

(I'm kind of proud of that Devil May Cry find.)

I also have Fallout: New Vegas on order. It's the Ultimate Edition. So yeah. *SQUEE*

Second, NaNoWriMo. I have such an idea. Seriously. Project blog is here. I really love where this is heading but we'll see how I feel once things get started. It's basically a pseudo-love story (in a psychological way. Like, learn to love yourself, I guess would be the main... the main bullet point of what I'd be trying to get across.) I have a scrapped meeting scene that I might throw up there. Emily was a little too quick to snap at him but Randy was fairly accurate, I think.

Thirdly, website. I think I figured out why it looked so cluttered and how to get around it. Two words: Library Page. It just condenses things and makes it so much easier for me to organise. For some reason all I want to do is get off my tail and actually jump in with the art thing. I guess, now that I have something I'd like to do for a money-making career (as much as I hate that word) I feel like I can be an artist without stressing so much over 'what if this doesn't sell?' because so what? At least I had fun, right?

Fourth, I want to be a mortician. Is that weird? I don't think it's weird but my sense of 'weird' is a little off anyway.

Also, I figured out how to make a 'Cucumberry' drink. If you don't know what that is, don't worry - I just made it up. What it is is this:

Yes, the bottle on the left is this:

And, yes, it does in fact taste like someone liquified a cucumber.

But that's not really the point. The point is that mixing this with a fair bit of the Huckleberry drink results in something that is actually really good. (Mr. Q. Cumber is actually pretty good - it's just really strong.) It winds up tasting like something that should be served in a martini glass with a fresh huckleberry at the bottom.

Also, I found this:

And I thought I'd share because that's really kind of beautiful. It was hanging in my dad's room in Montana when I went to visit.

I like my family. Not a lot of people seem to be able to say that but I really do.

So, bye for now, everyone. I hope you have an awesome day~