

Filed in: Things I almost yelled from the rocks at Falls Park.

But now I'm back. And full of food. And calmer and working on a script. So that's something. I guess.

Also, I have rock candy. And games. Like, I have Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Dead Space 2. And I am a happy bunny. Very happy bunny.

Now I just need the game system. I wish they weren't so expensive. But, hey, I'll be 20 this year (*hyperventilates*) so I guess it's okay.

I might go watch Salad Fingers. I'm on like the seventh episode and I just... I - I don't know. The fourth one creeped me out and made me sad and the fifth was just freaky and... wow, really. If I randomly include the phrases 'I like rusty spoons' or 'I don't make mistakes, comrade. This one's textbook.' there is a reason. And that reason is that I am insane.

Also, the second Tiger and Bunny movie (next fall) looks like it might mark the final days of Sternbild City. (This is not okay. I want to live there if I could.)

If I had a site, I think there would be two buttons at the bottom. One would say 'Read in 1337speak' and the other would say 'Read in TXTspeak'. And clicking on them would take you 'translated' entries. Because I am a geek.

Of course, I can barely read 1337speak as it is, so I'd have to brush up on it before I did that.

Anyway. I'm rambling really bad. It's been a long day. Fun but long. (Giggity.) So, um, yeah...

I'm going to go squee over games and maybe write a little. Going to the mall earlier gave me a scene idea.

Bye for now, guys~

*swims away*