
Two Days Before

I. Love. Script Frenzy right now. I don't even know why, I just do. (Plus it's only four pages a day and even I can do that.) It starts off so creepy and then just kind of gets creepier for different reasons. I mean so many stories start from the beginning and then leave once things have settled a little. This one doesn't. This one's five years into the whole ghost/demon hunting adventure and our trio of heroes is just tired of it. Which might be funny if it weren't so depressing.

... I did this:

I'd sort of like to novelise it and use that (basically) for the cover. Like turn it and have the white going down the spine. Just looks kinda cool ^^

Basically, it's a little like Fatal Frame (the game) and the web series Camera Obscura in that they have to use a camera to trap things but the creatures in this world can be held back/frozen by light sources and held in place by video cameras on them - they can't move outside the frame... as long as you don't run out of tape/or the battery doesn't die. Then you're screwed. Tearing the original picture doesn't kill it, it breaks the seal and then it's out in the world again. Been done, I know, but I'm more focused on the 21-year-old college student who's really hating his life because of everything right now. He fascinates me.

Also, clothes. I'm noticing that not only do not have any skirts to speak of (well except for one ankle-length one), I do not have a single suit. I just realised how strange that is (for me at least.) I have dresses but no suits. I could probably find something I could alter to fit at a thrift store or something... It's hard to find stuff that fits me since I'm kinda short. Or I could just, you know, make something.

Oh and two days left. Wow. Yep. That's a panic attack. (Actually, I'm fairly calm about it. Not sure why but not going to argue.) Maybe because mum's kind of keeping me sane. Describing all the stuff I read/write/watch as 'creepy crap and gay stuff' kind of helps with that. (Partially because it's true.)

And... that's about all you need to know about me contained in one neat little post. Awesome.

Well, my room is like an oven, I have depressed people and monsters to write about (symbolism alert) and it's dinner here so I will see you guys tomorrow. There's your update. Enjoy it.
