
So, that schedule...

At first I was like this: ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

Then I was like this: o(╥﹏╥)o

But today I was like this:  _〆(。。)

So now I'm like this:  ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

(I hope you guys can see these, because they're really cute ^^)

Today did go better than I thought it would, though. I at least have a plan now. And bubblegum. I have bubblegum too. A little dish of it on my desk.


I kind of love my schedule up here. I don't even know why. It just seems... more me? Although I do need to learn to leave my heater turned up so I don't wake up freezing. (We have those little baseboard heaters.)

Aside from that, things are actually going well. Its... what, Saturday? Saturday. Really? *checks again* Huh. Well, Monday is my day to run around so that's not too far off.

I... don't even know what to say here. Nothing earth-shattering has happened but I'm pretty happy. So, I guess that's your update. I'm actually happy. And it's making me want to read and write and do all those creative things.

So yeah.

Bye for now, guys~ I hope you have an awesome day ^^



And things.

It's late and I figured I could bore you all with a rallying post. Well, not so much rallying as 'This is what I need to be doing; hold me to it.'

First, basic schedule:

- Up at 8. Being up at 8 gives me an hour to screw around and still get three hours of work in before noon.

- Work for 3-4 hours. If I can't get something done in three to four hours, I'm doing it wrong.

- Take a break. Check twitter, tumblr, whatever. Eat, stretch, jump around, etc. for maybe a half hour.

- Work again until dinner (5 P.M.)

- Dinner break!

- Digest and then take a walk.

- You're free! Go do something you enjoy/sit around and do nothing.

Even that would be better than what I've got going on now. And that would give me time to get something that should have been done months ago done (finally!) and keeping that schedule will let me work on my website and on a few guidebook things I've been wanting to do. In short, it'll help me get things done. Which I really need to do.

Aside from that, I have a list (actually, a couple of them) that has the key points on it. Things I need to figure out for the website, things I need to make sure I get done before a certain time, etc.

Also, I'm between a couple of stories for a submission call a couple of months from now. Probably have to talk that over with mum and try to figure out which one fits the best. One would have to have more work done on it though. Ack. Why must almost everything I write fit at least some of these categories? *headdesk*

Actually, I think I know which one I want to do but I need to really nail down the plot for it and know where I'm going since it would have a deadline then. I like it though... Even though the doctor character needs a name and I'm not sure of the plot. It's kind of a zombie story... with mutated insects and fun things like that.


This was a simple update-y thing and I hope that I can stick to it because it actually sounds kind of fun. And, no, I don't know why that sounds fun, it just does.

I will check in later, guys. Hopefully with good news ^^


Pictures of Food

See this? This is a salad sampler. This is awesome. This is coleslaw, some kind of spinach thing and then some kind of Greek thing. (a) it's late b) this was a while ago and c) shut up.) Also a roll.

This was breakfast (from a while ago). Fruit salad and a waffle with berry preserves and syrup. What's not to love?

This is pasta salad and bread. That's about it. (Actually, the pasta and some seasoning came in a box and we doctored everything else. This dish marks my first time cutting up little tomatoes.)

This is actually mum's dish (since hers looked better) but we had pretty much the same thing. Fiesta bean and cheese tacos. Three kinds of beans plus several things that look like beans corn, onions and shredded cheese in a taco shell.

Breakfast from not quite as long ago. Toast with butter, a mix of eggs, peppers, onions, cheese and probably something else and a strip of veggie bacon.

This was either lunch or dinner. Either way it was good ^^ Cheese tortellini, noodles and veggie spring rolls.

This... Just this. This is a spinach tortilla wrapped around rice, fiesta bean salad, onion, peppers and cheese. We had tortilla strips with it because original. I had veggie cheese on mine and neither the taste nor the texture made me want to gag. I was so happy ^^

Here's a closeup:

One day I will stop taking pictures of my food.

And, just because I need one more picture on this post, here is my desk. I do writer-ly things there:

I now have books and an older camera in that little shelf-cubby thing on the right there. I took this because I was just glad to have the freaking thing put together.

Now that the 'My Life in Pictures' part of the post is out of the way, how are you all? I've actually been doing quite well. I still like my Script Frenzy. Is it a serviceable script? Probably not but it is giving me ideas and basically running itself for the most part and I could not be more grateful for that. I'm at 60 pages even right now.

Also, website. That's actually becoming less and less of a pipe dream right now and I am happy. Even if things are moving along slowly, they're still moving along, right? Right. Organisation is the key.

I have a list. And on that list are three little lists: Writing, Rewriting/Editing and Ideas. I have 9 in the Writing section, 7 in the Rewriting/Editing section and 7 in the Ideas section. Which means that I have work to do. But here's the thing: I actually want to work. I don't just want to be established and all that, I want the journey too. Hopefully that works in my favour.

It's late here and my nails are now pink so I guess I should probably either work or sleep. Sleep's probably going to win even though this song makes me want to write for one story in particular. Really, the whole playlist does. *keyboard vomit*

I know what I need to work on (even a little) tomorrow.

Bye for now, guys~ I'm going to curl up and think about stories ^^


Orthorexia Nervosa

Basically, orthorexia nervosa is a non-medically recognized term first used by Steven Bratman to characterize people who develop an obsession with avoiding foods perceived to be unhealthy. Now I realise that, if taken to extreme levels, yes this could be dangerous. However, I'm pretty sure that a lot of people are going to use that as yet another way to rag on vegetarians and vegans.

No, this is not going to be some major rant. I just found it a little odd, is all.

Anyway, what's been going on?

It's cold and rainy here so that's awesome.

Also, I got to thinking about English VAs and English dubs in general (since with the Tiger and Bunny English version in the works, there's a fair bit of speculation on the cast). Now, a lot of people are worried about Vic Mignogna potentially being cast. While I don't hate Vic (for example, in the dub of Ouran High School Host Club I think his representation of Tamaki was more true to the character than the slightly snobbish tone the Japanese version had) I don't think he would fit well with the show. Vic is, in many ways, not a voice actor. That isn't to say he's a bad actor - not at all - but he is always Vic. You can always tell when Vic is playing a character because his voice is very distinctive.

In short, I don't hate Vic but I don't feel he could pull off a Tiger and Bunny role. I think his inclusion in the cast would be... rather grating, I'm sorry to say. (Just getting that out there... even though I doubt anyone cares.)

And that leads me to thinking about English dubs in general. Yes, the majority of them are really rough. The actors don't know the characters, the wrong people were cast for the wrong roles and it's in general a trainwreck. And then there are shows like Cowboy Bebop, where the general consensus is that the dub is better than the original Japanese version.

It's really a toss-up as to whether you'll get a good dub of a show or not. A lot of the English VAs do work very hard to get their characters right but, as I've always maintained, there are several ways to read a character and even if they seem to be simple, they're not.

I could go on and on but I won't. Instead I'm gonna jump thought trains and talk about Script Frenzy.

My main character is going insane. Like, 'seeing things' insane. I was not expecting that.

That's about all the updates on that, aside from the fact that I'm I-don't-even-know-how-many pages behind and somehow not panicking.

I don't know why but I just feel like things are okay. I'm not gonna argue with that ^^

There should be pictures of food (and maybe a desk) with the next update. So, you know, look forward to that.

For now, I'm gonna go try to figure out A) my website, B) my stories, C) the basic music, clothes, scents, etc. for those stories and D) what I'm doing with my life.

That last one might not get done for a while.

I'm really rambling and I don't have too much to say so bye for now, guys~ Just wanted to let you all know I'm not dead ^^


Long Day

Not even conventional 'long day', just long day.

Mum and I wondered if surge protectors (with longer cords) would be something an android or cyborg would be embarrassed buying. Like the kinds of things sold near the 'private rooms' at the Power Strip. Yeah. These are our conversations.


I've been wanting to put my desk together. I've never wanted to do that. Ever. And I still need to put my curtains up. And finish my work (or at least get some more done). And figure out a template for the guides I want to do. So I have a lot I want to do. But here's the thing: I don't hate that. I'm not so 'ugh, I don't want to do this' about... pretty much anything.

I'll stop gushing eventually but for maybe the first (lengthy) time in my life, I feel good. I have more energy, I'm eating better... and I just feel better.

Tomorrow will probably be spent in and putting that ginormous desk together. Cool. Then I'll have a place to put my books until I have an actual shelf for them.

I don't really have a lot to say in this one. Huh. It was just a good day for me, I guess.

I think I'll read for a little while when I go to bed... and hopefully that will help me stop rambling to the internet.

Bye for now, guys~ Back to Script Frenzy. I should have an actual update on things for you soon. Just have to get the 'OMG happy' gushing stuff out of my head for a little while. The flood should be over soon ^^

*bounces away*



I've become one of those people who takes pictures of their food.

And here they are:

Breakfast -

A banana, an apple spice muffin and a bowl of almond cluster cereal with almond milk.

And dinner -

Coleslaw, pita chips, fiesta bean salad, cheese tortellini (in a sauce I can't pronounce). It is so good.

Okay. I'm done. I just love the food up here. It's all so fresh and just... good. And I had a Dilly Bar. A cherry Dilly Bar. We have a box of cherry and a box of butterscotch now. I regret nothing.

We just got back from the local Safeway and we have apples and I want to juice them or bake them or something. We also have grilled veggie and cheese pizzas and hummus and all kinds of things I wish didn't have to last us so long because I want to eat them.

*calms down* So now on to something that isn't food related, huh?

Script Frenzy. Script Frenzy is actually going decently. By that I mean that I'm almost on page 20 and that means I'm catching up. Alistair is a messed up kid but he's a good guy deep down. Michael's there to keep him from getting killed at least.

And I have so many new ideas up here; it's insane. Some of them are headcanon and fan stories but most of them are just interesting things that I think I could make something out of.

I have a bed now. Like an actual bed, not an air mattress on the floor. It's got this cool black and red comforter on it, too. And the place we went to for the beds was so cool. They had free peanut butter cookies and popcorn. And the delivery guys were nice. They carried the boxes of desk up the stairs for me ^^

We'll go back into town tomorrow for a smaller grocery run and some essentials (that we keep forgetting somehow).

It's kind of weird to think that we'll have to drive three days again to pick up more of our stuff. It feels like we've been here forever. It's just such a community here.

. . .

I watched My Little Pony Friendship is Magic this morning. It was actually really cute.

This is the kind of thing I do up here. Awesome. I also smile at strangers, drink water and eat things I normally wouldn't have eaten on a bet. I'm so different up here it's insane. We've only been up here a week. Wow.

So, I think I'm going to settle in, work on Script Frenzy, probably read back through my NaNoWriMo Novel (which I actually don't hate (yet)) and maybe try to figure out my website. I kind of know what I want to do. I just A) have no idea how to do it effectively (get my name out there as quality) and B) am a little terrified. It would be kind of a leap to put myself out there, even if everything was as ready as it could be.

I'm really rambling in this one since it's getting late and I'm kind of realising just how weird I am by comparison to my 'old self' so bye for now, guys~ I will talk at you all later on. *bounces away*


The First Day Spent In

I spent the night on an air mattress on the second floor of a 104-year-old house in a rainy, little logging town. It's like a movie ^^ Except for the fact that that walk up and down the stairs is going to give me calf muscles like a Hungarian shot-putter.

Am currently (as of this typing) watching Alfredo (who is really our mailman) mow the lawn. He's a sweet guy. This is the kind of place where the mailman actually walks around the neighbourhood. I've never lived in a place like that before.

I also figured out I can use the house we're renting in Script Frenzy. Largely because there's nothing creepy actually happening in that house, otherwise I wouldn't be using it. I think it'll be the main character's grandpa's house.

I did, however, scare my mum yesterday doing that 'The Grudge' crawling thing across the floor. She told me later that if I could have seen how it looked, I probably wouldn't have slept well last night. So apparently, I did it right. (I wasn't trying to freak her out, I promise.)

But things are falling into place. I have a desk (that needs to be carted up the stairs and put together). But it's such a cool desk. It's one of those L ones with the hutch thing (with the spaces and shelves and little doors). Awesome. Except now I have to carry it piece-by-piece up the stairs and spend probably several hours putting it together.

But I found out something cool: The mayor of the town lives, like, right next door to us.

Other than that, the day has been spent playing with the baseboard heaters, eating cold Chinese food (from Safeway), watching TV and wishing people would get here to deliver things. Then they did. And it was well past the time they said they'd be here. But that actually turned out to be a good thing because, in all honesty, we needed to stay in and slow down today. We've been going pretty much non-stop since we left Golden Valley, which was a little over a week ago. So, we're a little tired.

Now, since I'm getting hungry, I think I'll wrap this up and go get something to eat. Take care, dears and I will see you all soon~!

(Blogger Preview is apparently now a pop-up so until I can get that figured out, you're getting the non-previewed post. Exciting, isn't it?)


Last night in the hotel

Means that we get to move in tomorrow... and that means that we get to spend the day directing furniture movers, cable guys and possibly a mailman/yardboy around the place.

I have an old Polaroid 360 camera now. It is awesome. Now I just need to figure out how to work it.

But things are falling into place, I think. I'm kind of leaning toward just buying a desk, bookcase, file cabinet set at Wal-Mart and just putting it together myself. It's either that or finding something at an antique shop. I just don't know. I think the set might be the better option even with the inconvenience of having to put it together.

There's a small padlocked door near the back porch. My brain has a bad habit of looking at it and thinking: 'One, Two, Three, Four, Underneath the cellar floor, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Lover will suffocate'. Needless to say, slightly unsettling. (I know it's just the crawl space but still.)

I'm also wondering if going to self-published route might really be the best for me... I mean, it seems in line with how I'm feeling up here and that does seem to be the way the market is leaning. I don't know... Maybe. And if I do, would it be better to put only a few chapters of the stories up, put them all up or put a few of them up with the rest just being 'previews' (a few chapters and maybe extras)?

Of course, this is all just me rambling at this point. Still trying to figure things out. As usual, this results in my rambling and figuring out nothing. Awesome.

I just... feel better. Even though my weight is wrong on my ID card (which is insanely annoying, by the way). I'm 5'3" and 115, not 150.

But I like this place. They have a sweet, nerdy guy handling the renters insurance ^^

So, yeah, tomorrow's going to be hectic. And I'm kind of talking to avoid thinking about it right now. At least I don't feel as exhausted as I thought I might. We have 'scatter cats' on the back deck. There are around four or maybe five cats that like to congregate on our back deck and when we walk up, they all scatter. I know we scare them but it's kind of cute ^^

See ya tomorrow, dears~!

(Wow, I'm tired. This is probably going to make no sense at all when I read it back.)


Let me tell you about my day.

**Warning: long post ahead.**

My day started at 9 this morning. Okay. I can deal with that.

We then got in the car and drove to a property management place to look at houses we could rent. Fine. So we piled in the car with the broker (who was actually funny and pretty normal so that was a relief). There was commentary like 'I went to get a tattoo once. The artist said I was too fat so he'd have to give me a tat-3'. I think he'll show up in a character or two.


House one was bigger (with a second floor and very steep stairs) and the foundation was solid. It was also the highest rent. I loved the neighbourhood though and we kept it on the list since it seemed like a strong option even with the extra cost.

House two was a single story with some minor cosmetic issues in the same neighbourhood (different street). Another strong option.

House three... House three I wouldn't have rented on a bet. It reeked of mold, there were water stains and I didn't honestly feel like I could safely touch things in there.

So... Even with the higher rent, we figured the first house was the better option. Fine. Awesome. I love that place, steep stairs and my upstairs bedroom (with the only bathroom downstairs) and all.

So we get that figured out, there's no problem with getting the lease, the landlord seems nice. It's all good. So, while we waited on the lease to be typed up, we got to run to the power company and to get the cable appointment (TV and internet). Water, sewer and garbage are paid which is a fairly big deal up here. We also bought an older washer and dryer.

So we go out to Dairy Queen to eat because I'm getting a headache from lack of food (I think I might have to be one of those girls who has to eat every few hours or she starts feeling sick). Great. We get all that done and sign the lease, the place is ours (though they did tell me not to chew on the windowsills. Killjoys.) But then we start to wonder: Did that place have cable outlets?

So we go back. And no, no it didn't. There was not a single outlet in the entire house. The place had never even had cable hooked up. And we just signed a six-month lease.

So we go back to the property management place to have them call the landlord and see if we can't fix this. Thankfully, we can. The landlord was fine with them running cable to the place as long as we paid for it.

All right. But wait. We have no furniture. Now we have to go into town, to every place we can find that might work, and look around for a couch, loveseat, TVs and something to put said TVs on. The first place had a set we liked but the price was painful. We then looked around at several others, both local and chain, for something better and cheaper. Failing that, we returned to find the set sold to the couple who originally asked about it before we got there.

Annoying but understandable. So then it was off to yet another store. We finally managed to find a couch we liked along with a set of tables (coffee and end). The saleswoman was really sweet too. She gave me a pillow to hug carry over to their larger store (up the street) so we could find something that went with it. Problem was, the only chairs we could find that went with it colour-wise were more than the matching loveseat was. So we got the loveseat.

We also figured out that we have to go unload the truck tomorrow so we can load up the TVs and the stands.

Let me put something back in your head: We're in a 104-year-old house in Aberdeen, WA. It's a town that is big enough to have cross-walks but small enough that you can actually use them and where plastic drink cup lids refuse to stop rolling down the street despite considerable odds. We walked to most of the places we went today. My legs are going to hate me tomorrow... when we're unloading the truck.

W00T for exercise, though?

So I'm thinking now (because I'm just so glad to not be walking) about my little website project. I mean, there's a lot I want to do and a lot I want to share and I think up here would be a good place to actually get writerly things done. I hope.

So... back to Script Frenzy and trying to figure out where to go with some of my other projects.

We move in on Wednesday and I want a desk by the window so I can contemplate life and then write about it.

See ya~


The Update Hub

Yes, it's that time of day again.

A lot has happened in the last couple of days.

First and foremost, I have cute shoes. Two pairs, actually. The first are black, they come to about my ankles and they have a wedge heel with silver writing across the back. The other ones come up to about my knee and they look kind of like black tennis shoes with white laces. Both of these make me happy.

Here are the first ones:

(The back says 'bebe')

And the higher ones:

I think these might be my favourite ^^ (Yes, these are my legs.)

There's a small asphalt path that leads from the hotel we're staying at up to Wal-Mart. We walked it twice. The first time we walked there, walked around Wal-Mart and looked at stuff, then walked back through the car park and along the riverside walkway for a little while before we went back to the hotel. Even then we didn't really go back. We got to the car park there and then figured 'Why not go shoe shopping?' So we did.

We went to Payless (the boots), walked to a local drug store then walked to Ross (the smaller boots). Then got in the car and drove back to collapse because we were very tired by then.

We then walked back to Wal-Mart later that day for peanut butter, jelly, bread and frozen fruit bars.

So that explains the leg pain.

Mum and I got veggie fried rice for dinner and I had to stop eating because I was getting sad. ... Only a Tiger and Bunny geek like me would get sad about fried rice but I don't care. It was a sweet, unguarded moment from Barnaby (admitting he had been learning to make fried rice for Wild Tiger (the other half of the first Hero team)) and it got me emotionally. I will freely admit this. (It doesn't help that I saw a commercial for Pepsi Next yesterday.)

And I really need to go and work now. I think I'll have to throw in an awkward conversation during a long car ride... and then figure out what I'm going to do with my website because my brain is kind of running a mile a minute with it right now.

(And I have some trip pictures up on dA, if you're curious. Lots of clouds.)

See ya~!


Windmills are the New Cows

You heard it here first, folks.


There's this asphalt path that winds along the muddy banks of the Wishkah River, ending up near the old guest house where the miners and travelers used to stay. It's long-since been converted into a hotel. The asphalt leads you from the hotel, under the old train tracks and off into the parking lot of the town's Wal-Mart. I used to walk along there when I was younger, thin little hands complete with chipped nail polish shoved deep in my coat pockets. I'd stand and stare up at the building, with its peeling paint and broken shutters.

Only some of that is true. Because apparently, I'm in 'writer mode' right now. Because I haven't been able to write for about three days and things are starting to itch. Anywho... we're finally done with the long days of driving. I could not be happier about this fact. I also found this and wasted a fair amount of time on it. (Just start typing - doesn't matter what.)

The thing is I am so tired/wound up/wtf I really don't know what to say. We're home now. And I'm tired.

Tomorrow I should be back on a more normal schedule and able to work on Script Frenzy and other things. I want to go wander around with Carmen again. He's fun. Also, my trip-addled brain is making it impossible to focus on this update so just know that we're in Washington and we're safe and I'm tired and I miss my imaginary friends.

The change in light levels has resulted in my mum's on-again, off-again relationship with her sunglasses, we're in a second floor hotel room in a rainy little town full of old buildings and lakes, I'm anxious and I feel fat but that will pass once I can get back to ripping fictional bad guys apart. I'm just insecure all over the place. Ick.

Course, that shouldn't be a shock to anyone who knows me well. Arcade (underground govenment agent) is kind of a passive death-seeker, Carmen (assassin/hacker) has a lot of psychological issues, Elliott is basically a terrorist... I think I just have a lot of problems with the world.

So, I am probably going to curl up in bed for a little while and then try to sleep. Hopefully, I'll be able to get something done tomorrow when my schedule is a little more normal. Plus, Blogger's new layout is giving me a headache right now. This whole thing probably makes very little sense but I don't actually care right now.

Night, all~


Cows! 8D

Seriously, there were cows everywhere on this trip. 586 miles later...

I want to hug everything! I want everything to hug! And I couldn't seem to stop saying 'Oh, hey!' at things I found interesting. This was everything from horses and cows to snow to trees. So I said it a lot. Okay, okay...

I am feeling so much better. I don't even know why. I guess it's the place. Suddenly I feel... creatively capable? Like I can sit down and get something done, I guess. I'm tired but I kind of want to work on Script Frenzy... or one of my many unfinished projects. But it's late and I need to rest so that enthusiasm is going to have to wait until I can get some sleep, I think ^^

So much stuff happened. I watched some idiot almost burn out his brakes by riding them down a hill (for the record, about 2 to 3 seconds on your brakes and then let off of them. Otherwise, you'll burn them out). Speaking of, just how the ever-loving hell do you put a big truck halfway up a hill at the end of the runaway truck lane? Just how fast were you going?

So there was that. I didn't eat all day except for a small bag of Doritos and a couple small Twix bars (like, from the four pack bars). So that wasn't smart. But I managed to get a veggie omelet for dinner (which was heavy but good. I still have half of it left). I'm also thinking about psychos. As in, why are all of my characters seemingly? Still don't have an answer for that.

. . .

You know... I got to watch the clouds roll in from Idaho into Oregon. I got to see the sun, still high in its arc, filter down from high above my head to stain those clouds the colours of wine and wildfire. I stood in the freezing wind and watched the cherry blossoms twist and twirl on the currents in a simple, comfortable mimicry of falling snow. I watched three small rabbits play and chase each other around the grassy yard of the hotel.

I smiled at a stranger today. I've never done that before in my life.

And we'll be home tomorrow. Maybe not our permanent home but we'll be in our town. That sleepy, rainy, cedar-scented logging town. And I'm ridiculously happy about that.

I'll see you all tomorrow, when I'm less tired and less apt to try to make myself cry over places ^^

Goodnight, everyone~



There's a lot of traffic in Provo, Utah at four-thirty in the afternoon.

Hi. I'm Jezzy and I'm very tired.

I haven't gotten anything done except sit in a car for a total of eight hours.

We left out of the house at a little after six (meaning we actually got up at five to get ready) and drove for four hours to meet with Mum's agent and her mentor for lunch. And they were pretty awesome. I snarffed around the menu and settled on grilled cheese and french fries. And that was pretty good. Normal but good. Then we said goodbye and drove for another four hours. We are now in Salt Lake City (hence the title). We found a Denny's and picked up some veggie sides that I could eat. We're sitting around watching Stuntbusters. It's actually kind of awesome especially for someone like me who loves behind-the-scenes stunt stuff for movies and TV shows.

We drove 520 miles today. And we get to do the same tomorrow. All the way to Oregon.

Oh, my God, I can't believe we actually left...

We talked about the Oxford comma... and about if vampire birthdays were like funerals... and I took a lot of pictures of snow (which I need to take off of my camera and look through... but so lazy). Also, I think I forgot my USB drive. *expletive deleted*

And now I have the hiccups >.>

So I'm a little tired. My vegetarian self is having fun trying to find things to eat on the road, my shirt shows my tattoo scar, I'm cold and I'm tired. But I have ideas for stories and scripts and that's good.

I have a strawberry banana smoothie. And I have to work on Script Frenzy and I don't care right now.


I'll see you guys later, okay? Tomorrow when I hopefully feel better.


The Last Day

Several things just hit me:

1) I have 80 Twitter Followers. I don't know how that happened but I really can't thank you all enough.
2) I have 25 Tumblr Followers. Again, no idea how that happened but very thankful ^^
3) I will never bleach my teeth again. I was up until about 6 this morning because it was impossible for me to sleep.
and 4) I am moving in the morning. (Holy cross-dressing assassins, Batman!) I still need to stuff clothes into my bag and figure out what I'm going to wear to lunch. I have a dress I want to wear but that's probably too dressy for a diner and then sitting in the car all day. So I'm gonna rethink that.

What else? Oh, yeah. Script Frenzy. I'm actually on pace right now (well, I will be after four pages today). I'll probably fall behind on the trip since I'll be in the car all day and probably very tired by the time we stop. But that's an easy fix. I'm about 8 pages in right now and I have no idea where I'm going. But that's fine. It's really just an exercise, anyway and it's an interesting story if nothing else.

I am going to be freaking out around dinner and into the next morning, I'm pretty sure. I'm already kind of fluttery in the stomach region.

I'm hungry but eating causes me pain-splosions. So that's annoying. At least the only things I can eat at dinner are fairly soft.

On the upside, my procrastinating in writing this has caused that last bit to be somewhat untrue. My pain is now manageable ^^

So, I'll be up at five in the A.M. to throw things in the truck and get going. And I'm actually very happy. It's almost time for bed here. I doubt I'll be able to sleep but I'll still try.

So, before the panic completely sets in (whoops, too late) I'm going to try to keep calm and do something productive before it's road trip time. I'll check in from... wherever we stop tomorrow ^^

See ya~!


One Day Before

Strangely, I'm not freaking out. I'm not sure why but I'm not.


I have whitening strips in. Can't take them out until 8:30. But I got to take a shower and be all clean and now I get to work on a creepy-ass, depressing script and watch anime. So it could be worse.

Really that's the news of the day. Not that interesting but there it is.

Maybe, ramble? Sure, why not?

I feel like I should be panicking but I'm not. It's this kind of quiet anxiety that you get right before a trip you're really excited about. I'm sure by this time tomorrow I'll be bouncing off the walls and probably unable to sleep but that's okay.

I think there's just not much to say. I mean, the truck is basically packed, I'm sure tomorrow's going to be stressful and there's just not a lot I can ramble about. I mean, sure, I can talk about why I think de-clawing cats is not completely evil or why I think creativity is essential to our survival but I don't think that, in my current state, I could really explain myself properly. So I won't.

On that note, I will return to spazz at you guys tomorrow and then things will be trip updates (probably, if I'm not too exhausted) for a little while. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night/whatever the hell time it is for you and I will see you all tomorrow.

See ya~!

(Oh, my God, I'm moving the day after tomorrow. *screaming*)


Two Days Before

I. Love. Script Frenzy right now. I don't even know why, I just do. (Plus it's only four pages a day and even I can do that.) It starts off so creepy and then just kind of gets creepier for different reasons. I mean so many stories start from the beginning and then leave once things have settled a little. This one doesn't. This one's five years into the whole ghost/demon hunting adventure and our trio of heroes is just tired of it. Which might be funny if it weren't so depressing.

... I did this:

I'd sort of like to novelise it and use that (basically) for the cover. Like turn it and have the white going down the spine. Just looks kinda cool ^^

Basically, it's a little like Fatal Frame (the game) and the web series Camera Obscura in that they have to use a camera to trap things but the creatures in this world can be held back/frozen by light sources and held in place by video cameras on them - they can't move outside the frame... as long as you don't run out of tape/or the battery doesn't die. Then you're screwed. Tearing the original picture doesn't kill it, it breaks the seal and then it's out in the world again. Been done, I know, but I'm more focused on the 21-year-old college student who's really hating his life because of everything right now. He fascinates me.

Also, clothes. I'm noticing that not only do not have any skirts to speak of (well except for one ankle-length one), I do not have a single suit. I just realised how strange that is (for me at least.) I have dresses but no suits. I could probably find something I could alter to fit at a thrift store or something... It's hard to find stuff that fits me since I'm kinda short. Or I could just, you know, make something.

Oh and two days left. Wow. Yep. That's a panic attack. (Actually, I'm fairly calm about it. Not sure why but not going to argue.) Maybe because mum's kind of keeping me sane. Describing all the stuff I read/write/watch as 'creepy crap and gay stuff' kind of helps with that. (Partially because it's true.)

And... that's about all you need to know about me contained in one neat little post. Awesome.

Well, my room is like an oven, I have depressed people and monsters to write about (symbolism alert) and it's dinner here so I will see you guys tomorrow. There's your update. Enjoy it.
