
The First Day Spent In

I spent the night on an air mattress on the second floor of a 104-year-old house in a rainy, little logging town. It's like a movie ^^ Except for the fact that that walk up and down the stairs is going to give me calf muscles like a Hungarian shot-putter.

Am currently (as of this typing) watching Alfredo (who is really our mailman) mow the lawn. He's a sweet guy. This is the kind of place where the mailman actually walks around the neighbourhood. I've never lived in a place like that before.

I also figured out I can use the house we're renting in Script Frenzy. Largely because there's nothing creepy actually happening in that house, otherwise I wouldn't be using it. I think it'll be the main character's grandpa's house.

I did, however, scare my mum yesterday doing that 'The Grudge' crawling thing across the floor. She told me later that if I could have seen how it looked, I probably wouldn't have slept well last night. So apparently, I did it right. (I wasn't trying to freak her out, I promise.)

But things are falling into place. I have a desk (that needs to be carted up the stairs and put together). But it's such a cool desk. It's one of those L ones with the hutch thing (with the spaces and shelves and little doors). Awesome. Except now I have to carry it piece-by-piece up the stairs and spend probably several hours putting it together.

But I found out something cool: The mayor of the town lives, like, right next door to us.

Other than that, the day has been spent playing with the baseboard heaters, eating cold Chinese food (from Safeway), watching TV and wishing people would get here to deliver things. Then they did. And it was well past the time they said they'd be here. But that actually turned out to be a good thing because, in all honesty, we needed to stay in and slow down today. We've been going pretty much non-stop since we left Golden Valley, which was a little over a week ago. So, we're a little tired.

Now, since I'm getting hungry, I think I'll wrap this up and go get something to eat. Take care, dears and I will see you all soon~!

(Blogger Preview is apparently now a pop-up so until I can get that figured out, you're getting the non-previewed post. Exciting, isn't it?)