

And things.

It's late and I figured I could bore you all with a rallying post. Well, not so much rallying as 'This is what I need to be doing; hold me to it.'

First, basic schedule:

- Up at 8. Being up at 8 gives me an hour to screw around and still get three hours of work in before noon.

- Work for 3-4 hours. If I can't get something done in three to four hours, I'm doing it wrong.

- Take a break. Check twitter, tumblr, whatever. Eat, stretch, jump around, etc. for maybe a half hour.

- Work again until dinner (5 P.M.)

- Dinner break!

- Digest and then take a walk.

- You're free! Go do something you enjoy/sit around and do nothing.

Even that would be better than what I've got going on now. And that would give me time to get something that should have been done months ago done (finally!) and keeping that schedule will let me work on my website and on a few guidebook things I've been wanting to do. In short, it'll help me get things done. Which I really need to do.

Aside from that, I have a list (actually, a couple of them) that has the key points on it. Things I need to figure out for the website, things I need to make sure I get done before a certain time, etc.

Also, I'm between a couple of stories for a submission call a couple of months from now. Probably have to talk that over with mum and try to figure out which one fits the best. One would have to have more work done on it though. Ack. Why must almost everything I write fit at least some of these categories? *headdesk*

Actually, I think I know which one I want to do but I need to really nail down the plot for it and know where I'm going since it would have a deadline then. I like it though... Even though the doctor character needs a name and I'm not sure of the plot. It's kind of a zombie story... with mutated insects and fun things like that.


This was a simple update-y thing and I hope that I can stick to it because it actually sounds kind of fun. And, no, I don't know why that sounds fun, it just does.

I will check in later, guys. Hopefully with good news ^^