

I've become one of those people who takes pictures of their food.

And here they are:

Breakfast -

A banana, an apple spice muffin and a bowl of almond cluster cereal with almond milk.

And dinner -

Coleslaw, pita chips, fiesta bean salad, cheese tortellini (in a sauce I can't pronounce). It is so good.

Okay. I'm done. I just love the food up here. It's all so fresh and just... good. And I had a Dilly Bar. A cherry Dilly Bar. We have a box of cherry and a box of butterscotch now. I regret nothing.

We just got back from the local Safeway and we have apples and I want to juice them or bake them or something. We also have grilled veggie and cheese pizzas and hummus and all kinds of things I wish didn't have to last us so long because I want to eat them.

*calms down* So now on to something that isn't food related, huh?

Script Frenzy. Script Frenzy is actually going decently. By that I mean that I'm almost on page 20 and that means I'm catching up. Alistair is a messed up kid but he's a good guy deep down. Michael's there to keep him from getting killed at least.

And I have so many new ideas up here; it's insane. Some of them are headcanon and fan stories but most of them are just interesting things that I think I could make something out of.

I have a bed now. Like an actual bed, not an air mattress on the floor. It's got this cool black and red comforter on it, too. And the place we went to for the beds was so cool. They had free peanut butter cookies and popcorn. And the delivery guys were nice. They carried the boxes of desk up the stairs for me ^^

We'll go back into town tomorrow for a smaller grocery run and some essentials (that we keep forgetting somehow).

It's kind of weird to think that we'll have to drive three days again to pick up more of our stuff. It feels like we've been here forever. It's just such a community here.

. . .

I watched My Little Pony Friendship is Magic this morning. It was actually really cute.

This is the kind of thing I do up here. Awesome. I also smile at strangers, drink water and eat things I normally wouldn't have eaten on a bet. I'm so different up here it's insane. We've only been up here a week. Wow.

So, I think I'm going to settle in, work on Script Frenzy, probably read back through my NaNoWriMo Novel (which I actually don't hate (yet)) and maybe try to figure out my website. I kind of know what I want to do. I just A) have no idea how to do it effectively (get my name out there as quality) and B) am a little terrified. It would be kind of a leap to put myself out there, even if everything was as ready as it could be.

I'm really rambling in this one since it's getting late and I'm kind of realising just how weird I am by comparison to my 'old self' so bye for now, guys~ I will talk at you all later on. *bounces away*