
Cows! 8D

Seriously, there were cows everywhere on this trip. 586 miles later...

I want to hug everything! I want everything to hug! And I couldn't seem to stop saying 'Oh, hey!' at things I found interesting. This was everything from horses and cows to snow to trees. So I said it a lot. Okay, okay...

I am feeling so much better. I don't even know why. I guess it's the place. Suddenly I feel... creatively capable? Like I can sit down and get something done, I guess. I'm tired but I kind of want to work on Script Frenzy... or one of my many unfinished projects. But it's late and I need to rest so that enthusiasm is going to have to wait until I can get some sleep, I think ^^

So much stuff happened. I watched some idiot almost burn out his brakes by riding them down a hill (for the record, about 2 to 3 seconds on your brakes and then let off of them. Otherwise, you'll burn them out). Speaking of, just how the ever-loving hell do you put a big truck halfway up a hill at the end of the runaway truck lane? Just how fast were you going?

So there was that. I didn't eat all day except for a small bag of Doritos and a couple small Twix bars (like, from the four pack bars). So that wasn't smart. But I managed to get a veggie omelet for dinner (which was heavy but good. I still have half of it left). I'm also thinking about psychos. As in, why are all of my characters seemingly? Still don't have an answer for that.

. . .

You know... I got to watch the clouds roll in from Idaho into Oregon. I got to see the sun, still high in its arc, filter down from high above my head to stain those clouds the colours of wine and wildfire. I stood in the freezing wind and watched the cherry blossoms twist and twirl on the currents in a simple, comfortable mimicry of falling snow. I watched three small rabbits play and chase each other around the grassy yard of the hotel.

I smiled at a stranger today. I've never done that before in my life.

And we'll be home tomorrow. Maybe not our permanent home but we'll be in our town. That sleepy, rainy, cedar-scented logging town. And I'm ridiculously happy about that.

I'll see you all tomorrow, when I'm less tired and less apt to try to make myself cry over places ^^

Goodnight, everyone~