

I'm in Moriarty. No, really. It's in New Mexico. Look it up.

Aside from that, I can hardly type because I just pulled about a 16k day. My hands are on fire. But I won. And I am too tired to even write a proper blog post about that. I'm also too tired to sleep. It's like I'm wired on exhaustion. I had a crying giggle-fit in the car earlier because I was so tired. Then I wanted to write about Greg and Terry from American Dad. Don't know why but my computer battery was almost dead so it didn't really matter why.

Anyway. As you can probably tell, I'm tired and not the most coherent right now so I'm going to wrap this up and probably curl up somewhere and whimper.

I'll catch you all up on things when I'm less brain-dead and can type without flinching and constantly missing keys.

Bye for now~


Literal Blog Post

Because I'm bored and suddenly want to do things.

But first, here. Have a turtle the size of a grape:

Also, this link: 32 Pictures that will make you say 'Awwwww'

You should probably click that. It made my day better ^^


Things I'd like to get (back) into:

- Martial Arts. Specifically, Northern Shaolin Kung-Fu, Capoeira, and Krav Maga interest me the most.
- Parkour
- Performance art in general
- And a lot of other things I don't have the time or money for right now.

I'm posting pointless things like that because I am yet again freaking out. This time because of life in general. You know what's stupid? I'm more nervous about going to see my father for about two weeks than I am about starting school or most other things.

Also I stayed up too late last night. First I was writing but then I heard the cat coughing and so I went out into the hallway to sit with her until she stopped and when she did she fell asleep on me.

So yeah.

I'll be leaving out of here on Saturday. And then it's a three-day trip to South Dakota where I'll have to get set up for school. From there I'll go to Montana to spend a little while with my dad and then go back to Washington State before going back to South Dakota for school. See why I'm stressed?

And in the middle of all this, I have to read two books and have enough of the plot nailed down that I can edit effectively. Also the SD driver's manual.

I don't know how people with stressful corporate jobs function.

This was rambling and pointless stress post. We now return you to your regularly-scheduled mayhem.



Seriously. That's about how I feel right now.


1) Editing job came though. I signed an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) and everything! I'll get the hard copy books soon so I can catch up and then I'll be working with them and askjdflsdj

2) On another awesome note, I think I've discovered the root of my obsession with psychotic characters. Yeah. Those are the kind of major life-discoveries I make at this time of night. But at least now I can see how one psychotic character led to my current obsession with psycho, scarily intelligent, gender-bending characters with screwed-up backstories. Huh. Yeah.

3) I have books and mum promised to help me organise my room. That might not seem like something to scream about but to me it is. I love organising things... because I am weird, apparently.

4) Less awesome note: Our air conditioner is frozen. Like 'ice on the pipes' frozen. In the middle of the desert. When it's 80 degrees in the middle of the night. The hell? Seriously:

See this? All this white? That's ice. Those pipes are supposed to be copper-coloured, like the one in the front. Here's another one, closer up:

This is insane. It also means that we have no AC for a while because it won't run when it's an ice cube. Obviously.

5) Camp NaNoWriMo. Which currently can be summed up as 'If you talk about my word count, I will put forks in you'. But getting better. Really. Getting better. I'm starting to see more of a plot than I thought I had which is so nice right now.

That's about it for right now. I'm going to try to get to at least something approximating my actual goal and then calm the hell down about that editing gig.

I hope you all have a great day and I will be back soon to ramble at you and spam you with pictures of things you probably don't care about ^^



Yep. I'm in Arizona.

As such, I figured I should proceed to spam you all with pictures. Here I go:

See this? These are mountains as seen from the front windshield. I actually really like how this was kind of framed out by the car...

Also, mountains are BIG. 0.o

I also took a picture of the METROMINT bottle. This stuff is awesome, by the way. It tastes just like chocolate and mint :)

Now for the fun part: Playing 'How High Will the Temperature Climb?'

When we got into the real desert - what we consider the real desert - this was the reading:

Ick. But wait, it gets worse...

Closer, but no. Try again.

That's right! (Sorry for the blur.) Yep. It was an oven out there. And it didn't drop much by the time we actually got to the house. French the llama, that's hot!

The house is still really comforting though. My grandpa built a front porch on it an we all sat outside last night and talked and watched the jackrabbits. There were so many jackrabbits! :D

But it's nice to see my grandparents again. It's been about 2 months since I saw them last.

I've been locked in my room for a while today, trying to get some kind of caught up on Camp NaNoWriMo. Strangely, it seems to be working.

I'm also offering editing services... she says as a way of explaining the 'Hire Me' page. If anyone else has done NaNo - or any other WriMo - and has a project they'd like edited for a reasonable rate, send me a message. I always like helping artists  ^^

I can't even believe my life at this point. I'll probably update again here soon and explain everything but for right now just... wow.

Okay. I'm gonna go write a little more and try to figure out some kind of list or schedule or something to keep me busy.

Until later, then~


I'm in Oregon

Just thought you ought to know.

I'm in an Econolodge sitting on the bed and debating about writing a little before I try to sleep. I'm all full of veggie burger and fries and a smoothie. But I have plot kinks to work out... and a metric buttload of words to write. Like, I'm missing a major piece of the plot puzzle here: What the hell was so bad that one of the Inspectors - codenamed 'Loki' - thought it was worth making the jump between worlds using The Bridge, of all things, as a crossing point? More than that, he drug Michael along! (That will likely make no sense to you. That's fine - as long as I know what I'm talking about.)

I'm not sure if I'll write or sleep but I'll probably end up writing on the road tomorrow no matter what I do. So. I'm going to wrap this up for now and watch the rest of Chopped and then I don't know what I'm going to do. Likely sleep.

I will still win. Because even if I wind up deleting most of the story, I will at least have a story to delete most of. Or something. I'm tired. Can you tell?


. . .

Okay, here's how things stack up:

1) I haven't heard back on a certain beta-reading/editing project I was kind of really excited about and that's making me nervous. Everything's probably fine but I just really want to work on this and... ACK! I don't want to be annoying by sending too many messages but I don't have an answer and it's bothering me.

2) (Less serious, technically) I've restarted Camp NaNoWriMo. Why? Because I am a derp who is stressed about point 1 and can't focus. It is now a story about... I don't even know but the words are coming easier on this one so I'm rolling with it :D

3) I've restarted (at least in my own head) the self-published author thing. I've figured out that I don't really care about the money (even though it's nice to have). What I like is the fandom that small things gather - that and just the love of the work.

And 4) (so ranked because it's still in planning stages) I've been clicking away at a Word document filled with information on how authors who plan to self-publish can hire me as a beta-reader/editor with prices at a reasonable level and negotiable based on volume of work and the client's ability to pay. I love to help artists who chose not to go through major companies. That's a very brave thing to do! And it just might be the future of the industry.

But yeah. I'm stressed and I hope I didn't lose that job - I'm sick over that thought, by the way - and I'll be starting school soon (for psychology) and... just yeah. Stress and happiness all rolled into one right now. I'm leaving tomorrow or the next day to start this whole thing and it's just... insane. This all happened amazingly fast and somehow, yes I'm stressed (I wonder how many times I've used that word in this thing?) but I'm not as freaked out about it as I thought I'd be.


I'm okay. And it's a weird and wonderful feeling - to be okay.

I'm very jittery inside right now so I'm going to go write for a little while and then we'll see where we are in the morning. *waves*



People seem bound and determined to not let me have a single day where they don't make me cry.

Here's what happened: When I'd written a post on tumblr offering writing/editing/etc services, I didn't really expect anything. So I figured a writing archive wasn't a big deal because no one would care enough to ask. Besides I thought I still had one in case someone did. But I don't.

I've apologised and made it clear to a certain Anon that I did, in fact, intend to work. (I wanted to take some of the stress off of my mother by making money doing things I knew wouldn't make me lock up, like writing and editing and making things.) I just misremembered what I'd deleted and don't have the archive to offer as writing samples anymore. It's one thing to be annoyed at that - that I understand - but it's another entirely to accuse me of using my friends and the people who were kind enough to donate. I'm a lot of things but a cheat isn't one of them.

I've told them as much and apologised again before I shut off anonymous asks. Sick of it. I am sorry I screwed up like that but you don't need to call my character into question over it.

So that's my drama for the day. Camp NaNo is way behind and I'm too annoyed to care right now. I'll care about it later, when I've calmed down.


The Booker Award

I arrived to find that Siana Blackwood had passed me the Booker Award! (Thank you so much!) The rules for this award are:
  1. This award is for book bloggers only. To receive this award the blog must be at least 50% about books (reading or writing is okay)
  2. Along with receiving this award, you must also share your top five favourite books you have ever read. (More than five is okay) You must give this award to 5-10 other lucky book blogs you adore.
 As to favourite books, I'd have a different answer every time I thought it over and I haven't read as much lately so, currently:

1. Looking for Alaska by John Green

It's hard to explain why this book got to me like it did. I guess it's just the fact that very few books have been easy for me to read and still had some message that I felt was important without the author shoving it in your face and not letting you think for yourself. That's a balance that I think Green hits time and again.

2. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

Not quite what I expected but well worth the read. Riggs managed to blend the past and present into a cohesive tale, something that is typically difficult as most people only use the present as a framing device.

3. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

What can I say about this one, coherently? Not much, as it turns out. TFiOS is just one of those books that gets you thinking about time and your relation to it as well as what constitutes heroism.

4. Perfect by Natasha Friend

I read this one a while ago and I think it was what first got me thinking seriously about the whole 'write like you talk' thing. It also may have sparked my interest in psychological disorders.

5. Sorry, I Thought I Loved You by Michielle DJ Beck

Nonfiction. Another book that got me thinking. Beck walks you through her life and marriages and explains about relationship addiction and codependency using herself as a relatable example. I saw a lot of myself in what she had to say.

I would love to have a list of writing blogs to pass this along to but I kind of... don't. (I think you people think I'm kidding when I say you're my only friends...)

The ones I know of are:

1. The Pillsbury Dough Girl
2. The Redhead
3. Um...

I was trying to pick people that hadn't been named yet but I've got no one. Siana kind of took the only other person I remember, God of Ephemera, so... yeah. I suck at these kinds of things and I do apologise.

Anyway, I'm rambling, so back to my day. Whee!



This has actually not happened before.

I ship my main characters. Well, that's happened before - but I ship these two like whoa. Like, I'm crying a little because I just have a lot of feelings about them. I have music that makes me think of them, some of which is playing right now and ow, my little writer heart. *gross sobbing*

This is insane. It's nice, but it's insane.

That was really the only news right now. I'm just kind of... shocked, I guess. Haven't felt like this about characters in quite a while. Hopefully that means I'm doing better with characters in general.


*toddles back to book*