
I'm in Oregon

Just thought you ought to know.

I'm in an Econolodge sitting on the bed and debating about writing a little before I try to sleep. I'm all full of veggie burger and fries and a smoothie. But I have plot kinks to work out... and a metric buttload of words to write. Like, I'm missing a major piece of the plot puzzle here: What the hell was so bad that one of the Inspectors - codenamed 'Loki' - thought it was worth making the jump between worlds using The Bridge, of all things, as a crossing point? More than that, he drug Michael along! (That will likely make no sense to you. That's fine - as long as I know what I'm talking about.)

I'm not sure if I'll write or sleep but I'll probably end up writing on the road tomorrow no matter what I do. So. I'm going to wrap this up for now and watch the rest of Chopped and then I don't know what I'm going to do. Likely sleep.

I will still win. Because even if I wind up deleting most of the story, I will at least have a story to delete most of. Or something. I'm tired. Can you tell?
