

I'm in Moriarty. No, really. It's in New Mexico. Look it up.

Aside from that, I can hardly type because I just pulled about a 16k day. My hands are on fire. But I won. And I am too tired to even write a proper blog post about that. I'm also too tired to sleep. It's like I'm wired on exhaustion. I had a crying giggle-fit in the car earlier because I was so tired. Then I wanted to write about Greg and Terry from American Dad. Don't know why but my computer battery was almost dead so it didn't really matter why.

Anyway. As you can probably tell, I'm tired and not the most coherent right now so I'm going to wrap this up and probably curl up somewhere and whimper.

I'll catch you all up on things when I'm less brain-dead and can type without flinching and constantly missing keys.

Bye for now~