
Literal Blog Post

Because I'm bored and suddenly want to do things.

But first, here. Have a turtle the size of a grape:

Also, this link: 32 Pictures that will make you say 'Awwwww'

You should probably click that. It made my day better ^^


Things I'd like to get (back) into:

- Martial Arts. Specifically, Northern Shaolin Kung-Fu, Capoeira, and Krav Maga interest me the most.
- Parkour
- Performance art in general
- And a lot of other things I don't have the time or money for right now.

I'm posting pointless things like that because I am yet again freaking out. This time because of life in general. You know what's stupid? I'm more nervous about going to see my father for about two weeks than I am about starting school or most other things.

Also I stayed up too late last night. First I was writing but then I heard the cat coughing and so I went out into the hallway to sit with her until she stopped and when she did she fell asleep on me.

So yeah.

I'll be leaving out of here on Saturday. And then it's a three-day trip to South Dakota where I'll have to get set up for school. From there I'll go to Montana to spend a little while with my dad and then go back to Washington State before going back to South Dakota for school. See why I'm stressed?

And in the middle of all this, I have to read two books and have enough of the plot nailed down that I can edit effectively. Also the SD driver's manual.

I don't know how people with stressful corporate jobs function.

This was rambling and pointless stress post. We now return you to your regularly-scheduled mayhem.