

Yep. I'm in Arizona.

As such, I figured I should proceed to spam you all with pictures. Here I go:

See this? These are mountains as seen from the front windshield. I actually really like how this was kind of framed out by the car...

Also, mountains are BIG. 0.o

I also took a picture of the METROMINT bottle. This stuff is awesome, by the way. It tastes just like chocolate and mint :)

Now for the fun part: Playing 'How High Will the Temperature Climb?'

When we got into the real desert - what we consider the real desert - this was the reading:

Ick. But wait, it gets worse...

Closer, but no. Try again.

That's right! (Sorry for the blur.) Yep. It was an oven out there. And it didn't drop much by the time we actually got to the house. French the llama, that's hot!

The house is still really comforting though. My grandpa built a front porch on it an we all sat outside last night and talked and watched the jackrabbits. There were so many jackrabbits! :D

But it's nice to see my grandparents again. It's been about 2 months since I saw them last.

I've been locked in my room for a while today, trying to get some kind of caught up on Camp NaNoWriMo. Strangely, it seems to be working.

I'm also offering editing services... she says as a way of explaining the 'Hire Me' page. If anyone else has done NaNo - or any other WriMo - and has a project they'd like edited for a reasonable rate, send me a message. I always like helping artists  ^^

I can't even believe my life at this point. I'll probably update again here soon and explain everything but for right now just... wow.

Okay. I'm gonna go write a little more and try to figure out some kind of list or schedule or something to keep me busy.

Until later, then~