

Seriously. That's about how I feel right now.


1) Editing job came though. I signed an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) and everything! I'll get the hard copy books soon so I can catch up and then I'll be working with them and askjdflsdj

2) On another awesome note, I think I've discovered the root of my obsession with psychotic characters. Yeah. Those are the kind of major life-discoveries I make at this time of night. But at least now I can see how one psychotic character led to my current obsession with psycho, scarily intelligent, gender-bending characters with screwed-up backstories. Huh. Yeah.

3) I have books and mum promised to help me organise my room. That might not seem like something to scream about but to me it is. I love organising things... because I am weird, apparently.

4) Less awesome note: Our air conditioner is frozen. Like 'ice on the pipes' frozen. In the middle of the desert. When it's 80 degrees in the middle of the night. The hell? Seriously:

See this? All this white? That's ice. Those pipes are supposed to be copper-coloured, like the one in the front. Here's another one, closer up:

This is insane. It also means that we have no AC for a while because it won't run when it's an ice cube. Obviously.

5) Camp NaNoWriMo. Which currently can be summed up as 'If you talk about my word count, I will put forks in you'. But getting better. Really. Getting better. I'm starting to see more of a plot than I thought I had which is so nice right now.

That's about it for right now. I'm going to try to get to at least something approximating my actual goal and then calm the hell down about that editing gig.

I hope you all have a great day and I will be back soon to ramble at you and spam you with pictures of things you probably don't care about ^^