
I have too many ideas

I really do. I mean I'm glad for them but still, calm down, brain 0.o

Like, it's really bad when I have an idea but I don't have a title so I can't figure out where to put it on my chart thing. That's really annoying.

That chart is up to 108 now.

Yeah. 108 ideas that I need to be working on.

Along with all the shows and movies I want to watch and things I want to read and things I want to make and just... wow. I spend way too much time not doing anything at all, you know?

I think the second draft of Heavy Rain is going to wind up more from Randy's point of view. He's a lot easier for me to write for, for some reason. His scenes usually flow a lot easier than Emily's do.

Oh, well. Looks like I'm...

( •_•)>⌐■-■

...a randy bastard.

(I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Like, really really sorry. It's horrifically late here and OMG, I'm stupid right now.)


Since it's late and I'm anxious, I'll either wind up writing a lot or watching several shows that I've been meaning to either start or finish watching for like, ever. It's probably going to be a little bit of both actually.

Actually, probably a lot of both. Both of those things. Really, all. All of those things since there's several shows I want to watch and, you know... things to read. And I kind of want to get the first draft done so I can edit the living hell out of it.

But yeah. Restless, anxious, thirsty as all hell. That's me right now.

One good piece of news: My grandfather yesterday said that he thinks the world of me and that nothing could change that. My mum later extrapolated that into telling me not to worry about 'pronouns, dress code, gay/straight/bi' or anything like that. As much as I try not to let people's opinions get to me, your family is always a little different, you know?

So that... that was really good to know. I'm like... underneath all the anxious mermaid stuff right now I'm like, so relieved. I mean, I'm still not overjoyed at being in the desert (largely because I love rain and this place is drier than Oscar Wilde) but that really does help.

So, yeah, currently (and I say currently because, you know, fluidity): Jezaret/Jezzy or Vincent/Vince, agender/genderqueer, bisexual.

(That's not so hard, now is it?) <- Look, he's talking to himself.

See? ^^^ That doesn't even look weird to me! *collapse* I need to get used to people not thinking I'm insane. *GASP* That's Randy's problem! (Well, most of it anyway.) He has no idea what to do now that people aren't looking at him like he's psycho. His own brand of randomness and weirdness and 'sleep-deprived Goth 'starvation artist' who drives a hearse' has become his identity and now it's become normal. The issue? Randy hates being normal.

I figured it out! I am a king!

Really, that... that really did help a lot. I know where I'm going now. Awesome.

I actually kind of can't wait to edit this thing. Plus I have another project lined up and I get to help someone by working on that one so that's cool.

Wow. You know, I think this was why I wasn't too crazy about my last few entries here. I either a) wasn't sleep-deprived enough, b) wasn't relaxed enough or c) was just over-thinking things in general. Things are so much more fun when you don't over-think them.

So, bye for now guys. I will hopefully stay on this little groove of mine and be back to bother you all soon~