

That. ^ That was today in a nutshell.

K-turns suck and I hope that after this, I will never have to do them again.


Remember, remember
The Fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot
I know of no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

And happy Guy Fawkes Day to everyone who cares about Guy Fawkes day!

Also, I want a hearse. Like, seriously. I want a hearse that I can drive as my normal, everyday car. I actually prefer the side-loaders but I'll take pretty much anything that I don't hate.

Like this one. I don't hate this one.

It's an end loader but still, cool. It's just a beautiful car.

I think my favorite overall is the 1992 Cadillac Superior Hearse. If I could, I think I'd get it in black as a side-loader with a dark red interior.

(That or the 1930 Cadillac. Some of the ones from then had a pretty solid design).


Yes, I'm creepy to normal people. What are you gonna do about it?

Moving on.

You know what I miss? Pixie Stix. I haven't had one in forever.

And that was random.

Do I have anything of interest to say?


Well, then...

I guess this was a 'vent a little and then ramble about hearses' post. Enjoy.

(Seriously, I do need to get back to writing. I have so many ideas now, though, that's it's kind of hard to focus. Oh, well. I'm ahead right now so even if I only write a little, it's better than nothing.)

Bye for now, guys. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.