
New Browser!

Because Firefox decided that now was a wonderful time to die.

If you've been following along on Twitter, you might have seen the trouble I've been having lately. I can't even get back to my old bookmarks so... yeah. All that's gone. At least the clutter isn't there now. /ever the optimist

Also I have a Twitter header. It's kind of just for me because the font itself and the text in front of it makes it hard to read but I kind of like the obscured look and it's my account so screw you!

Um... yeah. Sorry.

No, but it actually says 'Alice in Writerland', it's just - like I said - hard to read. I kind of want to keep it like that because, you know, I'm me.

So I'm running Google Chrome now. It's pretty cool.

I'm gonna try to keep my bookmarks and things fairly clean and streamlined, you know? Like, not let the clutter build up like it did on Firefox. Seriously, I couldn't even open a new tab. Like even if I only had one tab open, I'd have to click on a link and go 'Open in new tab' and then I could get another tab. I'd shut things down so it could update, I tried to keep from overloading things - it still did it.

So. Not anymore.

I think I need to start using things more for work. That's not to say I won't screw around or save things that aren't business or research but I think I was going too far to the other side before. That was probably a lot of my problem.

Really, once you get past the whole 'Oh, good. Oh, good!' reaction, this is actually pretty positive. Yeah.


I kind of want to go vlog today. Like, just pace around outside... where the lighting is better... and there aren't a bunch of people around... and just talk. And complain. I mean, I have a YouTube channel, I might as well use it. Right?


So you might get to see me. Maybe. I'm notoriously bad at keeping promises like this though so... yeah. It's really early. And I'm kind of wired.

I'm gonna go. And maybe do something productive. Hopefully. It's been a day. It has been just a day and a half already, you know?

Bye for now, guys. Bye for now. Expect updates. You'll probably be disappointed, but expect them anyway.