
A Random Assortment of Things

Section One:

Try to hold on to those painful and touching moments in your life. Try to hold on to moments like when a woman you'd never met bought you candy to bring your blood sugar up because you were feeling light-headed or that day when you watched your 80-year-old grandfather stoop to put a dish of water down for his ill cat.

Try to hold on to things that restore your faith in humanity.

Section Two:

Writing is hard.

But really freaking fun.

Chapter two starts with a funeral.

Of course, it does. Moving on. I have a word count tracker thing in the sidebar. It is awesome. I love being able to keep track of things like this. I just like progress bars in general, I think.

Currently, I'm on Chapter Two and a little over 3k in. So yeah. Awesome. Plus, Randy is probably my favourite character right now. He's just... so screwed up but he's aware of it and is kind of... I don't know, happy about it?

Of course, Emily and Jenna are fun to work with too. Because I get to write things like this:

Jenna was quiet for several minutes then. Apparently whatever she was thinking was fairly vivid in her mind because it usually took at least one piece of duct tape to keep her quiet for long. “But there are a limited number of ways to be happy,” she said. “Sadness is infinite.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that everyone who’s happy seems to be happy in one of a few ways – their job, their family, something they can do, you know – but everyone who’s unhappy is unhappy in their own way.”

Emily took to kicking at the leaves as, caught by the wind, they swirled around her boots. “I guess you could say that. But then, wouldn’t it just be a matter of finding the opposite of your unhappiness?”

“The inverse of depression?”

“Right. Even if unhappiness is unique and there are a finite number of ways to be happy, there would still be at least one way that would cancel, right?”

“Maybe.” Jenna laced her fingers behind her head. “But what about people who are happy in their unhappiness? Isn’t their depression its inverse at that point?”

Emily hummed, thought for a moment and answered, “More of an inequality at that point, I’d think. Depression and happiness are in unequal quantities there.”

“But there is a measure of comfort to be had,” Jenna reminded her, her steps slowing. “That might just cancel out the inequality. And even if it’s an inequality, a tipped scale is more visually interesting.”

“You’d be a wonderful philosopher,” Emily said as they stopped in front of her building.

Jenna smiled. “Nah. I think I gave myself a headache.”

(Total first draft but still, it's an interesting conversation. I like the fact that it basically ends with 'Or not. IDK.' like so much of life.)

But yeah. That's where that is. I love slower stuff like this sometimes.

So. I'm going to go ahead and get back to it. Because I kind of left Randy in the rain near several people who might try to beat him to a bloody pulp if they knew he was there. So, yeah.

Section Three:

There is no section three. There never was a section three. Move along.

Section Four:

I might be screwing around with that side bar, just to be sure that everything is all even and pretty and easy to read. I just really like having things organised and I tend to spend an obscene amount of time getting them organised.

I'm using word meters from here and they're kind of awesome. I need to work out how to update them without going back to the site but that's not too annoying. I'm not totally happy with the order but I can work that out later. Along with everything else.

I'm actually really happy to have stuff like that to do. I can get things set up and not feel like I have so much to do that I get all overwhelmed and junk.

I'd like to learn graphic design too, I think. It's nothing that I really need right now but I think it'd be cool to know.

Section Five:

Yes, the Name/Nickname/Title thing on the side is right. I really don't give a dang about gender so I don't care what people call me/how people see me. If you want to see me as a kind of femme guy, that's cool. If I'm not, that's cool too. I'll answer to anything, so, you know, *shrugs*

(Basically, what it comes down to is if I want to wear a dress, I will. If I want to wear a suit, I will. I guess it's technically agender or genderqueer (different people have different definitions of genderqueer) with fluctuating presentations. So. There was your bit of personal information for the day.)

I said I was just gonna be me and I'm trying to just stick to it and not worry. If someone doesn't like you, that's their problem, right? Right.

So, bye for now, guys. Bye for now. I hope you have an awesome day.