
Good Morning, Guys

It's Thursday, November 1st which means it's the first day of NaNoWriMo!

(If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, it stands for 'National Novel Writing Month' and is basically a reason to get people writing with a lower limit goal of 50,000 words by the end of the month - hopefully enough of a head start to clean up and continue into a full-length book. I did a full year of these things and my writing has gotten so much better just from all the practice.)

I also have GIMP now. So, you know, yay!

Really, it's a very cool program. Link somewhere in the sidebar... thing. Over here. --->

I've figured out that I really don't need that many words per chapter to make the goal so that helps a little. I'll have to get used to stopping and explaining a little more than I usually do though. I'm used to kind of jumping from one thing to the next but a lot of the conflict hinges on my not doing that. So that's a good test.

Everything has significance. Everything.

I should probably get back to work on that, actually. (I can see it in my head and I want to start talking about colour schemes and warmth and camera angles and then the sane part of my brain speaks up and says 'No one else can see this, you know.' So yeah.)

On a related note, I love the way I have things organised. From left to right in a spreadsheet:

Starting Word Count
Final Word Count
What it is (Novel, novella, short story, poem, script)
Body Count
and Pen Name

That tells you pretty much everything out need to know about me.

And, on that note, I'm going to leave and toddle back to work on something I really hope doesn't wind up boring me. (Although really, it shouldn't. I love little details.)

Bye for now, guys. Bye for now.