

Section One: Organisation

Things have been organised. And I mean really organised. Like, I have a 'tags' page on my tumblr now. So people can like, get to specific shit. It's really weird.

My bookmarks aren't a cluttered mess anymore, my blogs are slowly getting organised... I just don't know what to do with myself anymore.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the trick is to jump in and work - and I mean work a lot - when you feel like working on something. Things get done, you feel good and you don't have to fight through things you really hate because, at the moment, everything is fun.

Use those moments. Those moments are totally your friends.

Section Two: Writing

Section 2-A: NaNoWriMo

NaNo is coming along nicely. There's much more legal drama in the mix than I thought there would be originally and, even with as little as I know about the legal system (bad writer! no chocolate!) it's actually really fun. MMC is... insane. As most of my main characters are. And FMC is level-headed on the surface but a little neurotic and weird in her own way. So that's just a cool mix.

Currently, I'm sitting at about 15k. I'm thinking I might try to write a little before I fall on my face. (It's either really late or really early here.)

Section 2-B: Scripts

As of this writing, there are two progress bars located in the sidebar. If you haven't noticed them, please to be noticing them now.

One is for 'Demonology' (it's Criminal Minds/NCIS... with demons. And shifters. And psychology. And politics. And crazy crap.) The other is for 'Mortuary Boys' (because hot blond mortician leading his creepy, funeral home family + striking up a friendship/romance/IDEK with a kind of hot and suitably messed-up cop = awesome... at least it does at one in the morning. My math might be off at this hour.).

(Actually, there really is a lot of plot involved in both of these, I'm just too tired and winding down a little too quickly to really explain it well right now.)

Section Three: Learning


At least that's what my brain has been telling me to do for the last little while. Like, for example, funeral homes cremate the larger clientele first thing in the morning to avoid what amounts to a grease fire in the crematory. See, if there's an excess of fatty tissue on a body and they're cremated late in the day, they might cremate too quickly and that results in a lot of black smoke and other nasty things.


A crematory is lined with bricks. These bricks are stone cold in the early morning and hence heat at a slow, even pace, allowing larger bodies to cremate correctly. If it's done later in the day, the bricks are already warm and holding heat, which means 'WHOOSH'. Up in smoke.

That's just one of the weird-ass things I know now. Cool, huh?

Also, math. I have to relearn math. But that's actually been going better than I thought it would. So, you know, yay!

Section Four: Crafts and Fashion and Crap Like That


I kinda wanna get back on the whole fashion design/crochet/craft thing. I mean, it was really fun and then I just kind of... fell out of it somehow. Sad.

I have so many ideas but whenever I have the time, I'm like 'Meh'. I find that kind of depressing. I mean, yeah, I wanna do things I enjoy but that's the thing - I want to do things I enjoy. Because they're fun. What happened to that?

So yeah.

That was my update for now. That was also a look into why I don't blog while tired, as entertaining as it might be.

But, really, this isn't that much. I just need to get my head around the concept of 'one thing at a time'.

In the spirit of that, and since I have actual work to try to tackle tomorrow, I should probably let you go back to... whatever it was you were doing.

Bye for now, guys. I hope you enjoyed the rambling, pointless and overly-tired update.

*waves* *collapses*