
Word count: 13500

Body count: 4


There will probably be a few more in the final draft but for now, it's three.

Also, I want to start on another script. And that's really sad because not only do I have a script project already (that is kind of stalled thanks to NaNo) but I have the opening theme and ending theme for the first two seasons and I'm working on three and four and the insert songs.


When I want to jump in, I jump in.

Oh, yeah. Speaking of progress bars:

Green means 'reading'

When I'm reading something, the numbers will be pages read/pages total in book.

Gold means 'outline'

Fun fact: I can't outline before I even start writing. So I outline off of the first draft based off of what worked and what didn't in the first pass.

Outlines like that will be chapters done/total chapters.

Purple means 'Script'

Scripts will be in pages done/total pages.

Silver means 'First Draft'

(Can you read the word 'Silver' there? XD) First drafts are the start of it all. These will usually be in words written/approximate word count.

Pink means 'Second Draft'

(That's the best I can do for 'pink'.) Second drafts are important to me. I try not to edit off of first drafts because there's usually a lot I want to change.

Red means 'Editing'

Editing will be chapters done/total chapters.

Blue means 'Any other project'

Anything else might get this treatment if I expect it to be around long enough. Blue is fairly rare. Don't expect to see it often.

So. Yeah.

There's your crash course in the sidebar. Hopefully this system of mine will work out well. Because I really don't want to have to change it.

I just... I want to make things and write things and have a small apartment and go to school and play with dead things for a living.

That's it. That's all.

I don't think that's an unreasonable goal.


Imma go back to work now. 'Cause there was a centipede in the house and now I'm freaked out. ICK! I mean they're kind of cool looking at one remove but still ICK!

'Kay... Bye.

I'll be back with more of an update soon. And by that I mean an update that doesn't boil down to 'Hey I'm killing people - hey look sidebar stuff and me being creepy - OMGBUGS!'

Because that's basically what this one was.

Things are happening here, though so that should give me something to ramble about for a while.

So. Bye for now, people.

I'll be back when something interesting happens.

(I really need to start having a point to these posts...)