
In which 10k is a big deal.

Because it's kind of a big deal anymore. Because I am out of practice.

Also, different foods have different evaporation rates in different climates. Warm foods often evaporate much quicker in colder climates and vice versa.

That was your random fact for the day.

In other news, I'm really glad that NaNo gives you permission to suck. Because otherwise... well, I'd be doing it anyway.

It's not like I hate the story itself, I can just tell that I'm out of practice and that's starting to bother me. But. I do feel like things are a little more... real or concrete somehow. Like this is something I can edit later and make something out of.

I have a subplot. I'm not used to subplots. Which probably isn't a good thing.

Today has been... interesting. It hasn't been great by any means but no one has had anything really horrible happen so that's a good thing.

I've been getting work done and I think the side bar is mostly settled. At least until I get tired of it again.

The first word count bar is a widget from the NaNo site.
The second one is for an outline I'm working on (5k is about the minimum for an outline, usually. For me at least.)
The third one (the one that says 'Pilot') is for a script, which is why the numbers are lower
And the fourth one is for the book I'm reading.

Because I am an organization junkie.

I'm also kind of torn because I want to change this theme but I can't find anything I like better... or even as well as this. So I feel kind of stuck...

But yeah. I'm currently about 2k off of 10 so I'll be doing that for a little while and hoping that tomorrow will not be so obnoxious.

Bye for now, guys. I'm going to try to stir up trouble in a fictional world.